AXcess News is one of the oldest pure-web broad news publishers in the United States designed to give readers free local access to news and information from major metropolitan areas through a woman’s approach to news.
AXcess News first began publishing online in August 2003. In 2009, AXcess News became part of the World City Press, Inc. family of news websites, which owns and operates news websites in the U.S., Canada and United Kingdom. AXcess News operated as World City Press’ flagship news organization through 2012 when World City Press entered into a collaboration with News Blaze to form the AXcess News Group, a women-led news publication.
AXcess News is a member of the Online News Association (ONA). The Association is made up of more than 600 professional members who gather and produce news for the Internet.
AXcess News is also a member of the Society of Professional Journalists. It is the mission of the Society of Professional Journalists to stimulate high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism.
Reporting The News
AXcess News is dedicated to reporting on news that’s important to people, not what’s necessarily media driven content. If you’re looking for stories like that, you won’t find them here.
We focus on select categories of news and try to report those stories in an objective manner.
Offering readers as much information as we can gather is what sets us apart from the rest when selecting newsworthy subjects to write about.
Our business and financial articles often portray a mix of Listed Exchange and NASDAQ companies alongside smaller companies our staff selected. By using a comparative format we believe readers get a better understanding of how these small cap companies stack up against their peers.
News Categories
AXcess News coverage extends across a broad array of interesting topics within a great mix of news categories that offer the latest stories available. Below is a brief description of each of them.
Business News
From Wall Street to main street, AXcess News coverage in business crosses a wide spectrum of industries as well as in-depth financial and commodity market information made available for free.
Health News
From biotech to hospital reits, AXcess News is looking for the latest breakthrough to report on. This includes broader coverage of health issues like mad cow disease or SARS. Local news coverage provides health news alerts such as west nile outbreaks in your town which can be found in that AXcess News or by signing up for our daily news headlines via email.
Entertainment News
Stay up on what’s happening in Hollywood with your favorite movie stars or which musical artists just released a new CD. Film buffs can also find our own Hollywood reporter’s critique on the latest movies in theaters and soon we will be adding local TV and movie theater listings in each City Site.
Environmental News
Pollution affects everyone and the companies with innovative, newer technologies in the environmental sector are the one’s to watch. At AXcess News we cover those stories as well as the environmental rulings from the EPA, state and local agencies as well as environmental disasters.
National News
National news coverage is important and affects everyone. From education to Capitol Hill, AXcess News is there to report on those events that shape our lives.
Technology News
From the latest NASA satellite launch to Internet crime or government agencies and law, AXcess News tries to report on interesting technology news that appeals to a broad audience. AXcess News technology stories are selected for their audience appeal and both entertain as well as inform.
Connect With Axcess News
To comment on a story, reach a journalist, contact our editorial department, submit a news tip, submit an op-ed or story, please visit our News Room. If you are a writer looking for exposure we’re interested in hearing from you. You can find rules and guidelines for story submissions in our news room.
All stories for consideration should be submitted to the editor as a Word document. We prefer you query the editor by email on your idea prior to sending your copy. Stories should be no more than 500 words. We encourage writers of all levels of experience to submit their work. We are always on the look out for stories on current issues.
AXcess News is one of the few online news publishers that believes all content should be accessable and that readers shouldn’t have to pay for it. That’s why joining AXcess News is so valuable to you. Only members have full access to our extensive news archive and by joining, you’ll recieve the latest news headlines sent directly to your email in-box for free!
Our members find Today’s Headlines in their email in-box every morning. When you sign-up for AXcess News you can select the category of news that interests you most. By selecting a category of news you will receive targeted content and related, special news features that are only available to members of Today’s Headlines from AXcess News.