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3 Tips for Avoiding Injuries At Your Home

3 Tips for Avoiding Injuries At Your Home

While you might like to think that your home is the safest place for you to be, there is a large amount of injuries that take place in the home each and every year. Luckily, with a little preparation and knowledge about the potential dangers your home poses, you can find ways to avoid the more troubling problems and become much safer at home. To show you how, here are three tips for avoiding injuries at your home.

Be Careful With Chemicals

If you’re a parent, you’re likely very aware of the chemicals that your home has because they could pose a threat to your young children. But as your kids get older or you become an empty nester, you may feel that you don’t need to worry about harmful chemicals anymore. However, shares that 90 percent of all poison exposures happen in the home, regardless of age. So to keep yourself from being exposed to too many chemicals in the home, it’s best to know what chemicals you have in the home and how to best use them so as to avoid getting any type of injury from them.

Teach Fire Safety

Another danger that your home poses is fire threat. Not only should you know what to do if your home catches fire in a big way, but you should also know what to do for small fires, and teach your children the same skills. According to, you should also ensure that your smoke or fire alarms are always working correctly so you can catch any fires that spark before they become too big. And if a fire were to spark in the kitchen, make sure you know what you can use to smother it or put it out in a safe way.

Eliminate Risks For Falls

Especially for those who are older or younger, falling at home can be a big threat. At these ages, balance isn’t always something that comes easily. Knowing this, it’s vital that you take the necessary precautions to ensure that dangers of falls at eliminated as much as possible. According to, this includes always wearing proper footwear, watching out for areas where elevation changes or steps are present, and keeping pathways or walkways clear of anything that could cause someone to trip and fall.

It’s just as important to make sure that you’re safe from danger in your own home as anywhere else that you spend a reasonable amount of time. So to help you do this, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find ways to stay safe while spending time at your home with your friends or family members.

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