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Advantages Of Using Social Media In Logistics Companies

Logistics basically is transporting, shipping, receiving, storing and managing all these activities to ensure the company’s goods and products are delivered on time and to the right locations.

With all these functions to achieve under its belt, most logistics departments are swamped up with paperwork as all these jobs require a lot of documentation. For this reason, it’s quite easy for an employee to be overwhelmed as the use of older methods of making an order or delivery schedule using paperwork proved to be cumbersome. It took way too long since a driver had to go pick up the order from the office then head to the warehouse for loading then start the journey of delivery. But as social media cropped up, this process has been shortened as an order may be sent via media increasing efficiency and saving time. It has proven to be one of the most powerful communication tools to curb such setbacks. Social media is used by companies such as 3PL Links to bring the company closer to its consumers ensuring goods and products are delivered on time.

Below are some of the advantages companies get to enjoy by the use of social media;

  1. Real-Time Tracking

Logistics companies are able to enjoy this luxury of real-time tracking of their supply chain through social media. Through the media, an administrator in charge can update the shipment schedule online to increase the visibility of the supply chain management such that the customer can track their order as they move. This form of transparency creates trust between the company and the client.

  1. Gain Knowledge of Important Insights

A logistics company that mainly deals with the use of roads can use valuable information on accidents and other unpredicted freight transportation issues on social media and use this to re-route the deliveries or communicate with the customers on the circumstances faced. Organizations also get to know about real-time weather conditions that might affect the delivery process and deal with them beforehand.

  1. Carry out market research

It is in every company’s plan to increase its revenue by implementing better strategies that cost less and give better results. Such an organization can use social media to understand the issues in the supply chain better and improve the business offers by collecting fresh ideas from a different point of views. Market researchers can gear a campaign or open an open-ended forum where consumers can send in their feedback which in turn can be used to better the company’s services.

  1. Increases the Company’s Outreach and Penetration

A company’s active social media profile can go a long way in expanding the outreach of potential customers. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or WhatsApp allows them to create an open channel where a company can advertise themselves to potential consumers by the use of informative images and short videos on the company’s services. Platforms such as LinkedIn make it easier for such organizations to acquire qualified staff without the hustle of holding massive interviews that are time-consuming and expensive.

Take Away

As technology evolves, so does the ways of doing business. And the success of a business is measured by its growth in the market well facilitated by social media as highlighted above. It’s a win-win venture that all logistics companies should take advantage of.

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