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Get More Work Done: 5 Effective Ways to Boost Workplace Productivity

Is productivity in your workplace taking a slump? You need to act fast.

Here are 5 effective ways to boost workplace productivity and meet your business goals.

1. The Right Tools for the Job

This covers everything from digital hardware and software to ensure the printer has enough paper. The right technology ensures employees can perform their duties in a timely and efficient manner.

Ensure employees have access to tools specifically designed to increase their productivity, such as an employee schedule planner. If you have a program that is out-of-date or simply not fit for purpose then don’t hesitate to replace it.

Out-of-date computer programs can be terrible for productivity.

Employees will struggle to find their way around the decadent systems or spend valuable time waiting for older programs to load. If in doubt, ask your teams on the ground to see what they have to say about the tools and technology they are using.

2. Don’t Micro-Manage, Just Manage

Giving control and freedom of autonomy back to your employees might not just be great for productivity, it could also save their lives.

A paper ominously titled ‘Worked to Death’ was presented at the 2015 Academy of Management Conference in Vancouver. The paper claims that individuals in low control, high demand jobs are associated with a 15.4% increase in the odds of death.

An alarming statistic, but one that illustrates an important point.

Removing control from your employees and micro-managing their day-to-day activities is not good for them in the long run. It may be detrimental to both their productivity and their health and wellbeing.

3. Reduce Distractions

Limit social media use to break and lunch times. If you are a business with an IT department, consider working with them to block or restrict access to social media sites.

It is also wise to take steps to ensure your employees are enriched enough by their job that they won’t go seeking distractions in the first place.

Employers can also encourage employees to switch off or put away mobile phones. Allow them to take regular breaks during which time they can check their phones to scratch that social media itch.

4. There’s No I in Team

We’re sure that, like us, you’ve been to one of those dumb team-building classes. The ones focused on physical activities and bonding with your boss.

It’s easy to undervalue team-building exercises, writing them off as an embarrassing waste of time. But these days there’s more to team building than trust-falls and scavenger hunts.

Innovative team-building activities such as group cooking classes are all the rage.

They challenging teams to work in groups to prepare a delicious meal in a competitive environment. Classes like this are headed by professionals to ensure employees get the most from the experience.

The International Journal of Marketing and Human Resource Management published a paper on the impact of team-building exercises on team effectiveness.

The major finding of the research indicates that team building exercises have a positive impact on team effectiveness and productivity.

5. Increased Training and Salaries Pay for Themselves

There is a difference between throwing money at a problem in the hopes it will go away and investing in the training and development of your employees.

We’re sure you’ve heard of that phenomenal quote from about investing in employees.

CFO to CEO, “What happens if we invest in developing our people and they leave?”
CEO replies, “What happens if we don’t and they stay?”

Goal-oriented pay structures and a comprehensive training regime will encourage employees to stretch themselves. Reward the diligent and hardworking team members in your business and give them the opportunity to grow within your business.

A well-trained, well-paid employee is a happy employee. A study conducted by the Social Market Foundation draws a comparison between happy employees and increased productivity.

The study states that managers should be able to justify work-practices aimed at boosting happiness. This is on the basis that it increases productivity.

Workplace Productivity in a Nutshell

We hope you’ve had a productive few minutes reading our tips on improving workplace productivity.

There are many innovative ways to increase the productivity of your team. Do you want more great tips? Be sure to check out our blog for all your business, legal and financial needs.

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