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The Bike-Sharing Industry Is Getting Smashed By Dockless Scooters

bike-sharing v dockless scooters. Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

bike-sharing v dockless scooters. Image by Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke from Pixabay

Bike-Sharing Reduces Traffic Congestion

The transportation industry has been rocked time and time again over the last decade. First, cities across the country implemented free or low-cost bike-sharing programs in order to reduce traffic congestion. Although they haven’t made a huge dent in traffic, they have enjoyed moderate use. This new paradigm was hardly given any time to grow at all before Uber and Lyft’s ride-sharing transportation shift started to take hold in cities and towns across the globe.

Now they have yet another competitor: dockless scooters. These are becoming more popular as an alternative form of transportation, and taking yet another bite out of the transportation pie, reducing the benefits of bike-sharing. Nashville has noticed a massive 20 percent decline in bike-sharing use since dockless scooters started to be implemented. If you haven’t heard of companies like Bird or Lime, then chances are you will soon.

Some industry analysts still feel that these motor scooters are more of a fad or gimmick. In such a case, they’ll likely stay popular among tourists who want a quick means of getting from place to place, while bike-sharing and ride-sharing options will continue to be used more heavily by a city’s long-term residents.

Dockless Scooters Simplicity

Others feel that real competition isn’t the mode of transportation, but the ease of use. Dockless scooters can be left wherever you like. You can locate them using the app. Bike-sharing users can only leave bikes at designated docks throughout the city and usually can only ride for thirty minutes before being charged. If you’re a tourist who is unfamiliar with a city, thirty minutes seems quite strict indeed. Why not spare yourself some stress and grab a scooter instead?

If that’s the case, it means that bike-sharing administration will likely evolve to function similarly, which makes it a more viable option for everyone. At the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about: convenience.

Adoption Rate Rising

Across the country, scooters are both beloved and hated, but about 70 percent of residents in cities where they’re available seem to view them in a more favorable light. Not only that, but they’ve enjoyed a faster adoption rate than the bike-sharing alternative. Users like how cost-efficient they are as well, especially when compared to personal car ownership or even ride-sharing. The scooters cost a measly dollar per ride in addition to 15 cents a minute thereafter. Easy!

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