Organized child sex trafficking across borders is an international crime long suppressed and ignored in mainstream media and the entertainment industry. Now comes a movie tearing this web of indifference toward the most heinous crime imaginable; Alejandro Monteverde’s Sound of Freedom has alarmed audiences with true depiction of cross-border child sex trafficking.
Released in American theatres on July 4 – the Independence Day – Sound of Freedom is based on the real life stories of child rescue work by former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official Tim Ballard, who witnessed children being trafficked from Latin American countries into each other and brought into the United States across the southern border as adopted children or dependent relatives.
Famous conservative actor Jim Caviezel plays Tim Ballard in the movie with Mira Sorvino and Bill Camp in notable supporting cast. Caviezel’s performance serves the compelling energy and determination of his character incredibly well. The child actors playing victims of the trafficking also impress with their delivery of expressions.
Media and Box Office
In the mainstream media, Sound of Freedom was denied the publicity it deserved owing to its great cause – awareness against the international sex and abuse crimes against children. Instead, many popular left-aligned media houses went on to attempt discrediting the movie by calling its presentation of the subject misleading.
Irrespective of leftist media’s smear campaign against the movie, Sound of Freedom has so far netted $136 million in domestic theatres against a production budget of $14.5 million. The huge success is expected to grow as the movie goes to open in international theatres next month.
Sound of Freedom is a must-see for everyone who stands against abuse of children and sale of children into modern-day slavery. The tag line of the movie is the slogan “God’s Children Are Not For Sale.”
Sound of Freedom
2023, PG-13, 2h 11m
The incredible true story of a former government agent turned vigilante who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue hundreds of children from sex traffickers.