Army Doctor Snubbed for Reporting Vaccine Injuries

The United States military is snubbing those army doctors who are speaking up about serious injuries caused by the COVID-19 vaccines among military employees.

The World Tribune on Tuesday (November 02, 2021) published the account of an army doctor, Lt. Col. Theresa Long, who reported vaccine injuries in multiple patients, including three pilots, she examined. This resulted in her removal from treatment of acute patients.

Army Doctor Long testimony
Army Doctor Long testimony. Screenshot @ Rumble

The story posted a video clip of Long’s testimony before a panel hosted by Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin. The video was tweeted by on Tuesday.

In her testimony, Long described multiple patients she examined for post-vaccination effects ranging from chest pain, caused by heart inflammation, to thyroid dysfunction, and even brain tumor. The military doctor told about three cases of pilots who were vaccine injured. The story cited her description of the vaccine injuries in the pilots as:

One fatality and two ICU cases on Fort Hood; the deceased was an Army pilot who could have been flying at the time. All three pulmonary embolism events happened within 48 hours of their vaccination.

In a signed affidavit, Long – who is a senior flight surgeon at the U.S. Army Flight School at Fort Rucker – warned that the federal vaccine mandate enforced by the military “could make the entire Army pilot corp medically grounded.”

The video of the full roundtable of expert panel on federal vaccine mandates, hosted by Senator Johnson, was posted to Rumble.

Not the Only Army Doctor Snubbed

In her affidavit, Long also told that she was not the only army doctor snubbed for reporting honestly on vaccine injuries among military employees. According to her, more than 15 military physicians and healthcare providers were “ignored and being ostracized” for reporting on the risks of COVID vaccines and expressing concerns over their administration.

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Ernest Dempsey

Ernest Dempsey is a writer, editor, blogger, and journalist based in Orlando, FL. He runs a popular blog Word Matters! and edits the journal and its blog Recovering the Self. Dempsey is a skeptic, vegetarian, and advocate for animal and human rights.