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Janice Palmer Analyzes How the State Is Keeping Your Children Safe

Portrait of smiling female teacher in the school. Image by emmaws4s from Pixabay

Portrait of smiling female teacher in the school. Image by emmaws4s from Pixabay

If you ever had to find a daycare provider, you have probably dealt with the uncertainties that come from letting strangers look after your children. Even if that was not the case, it would not be hard to understand why a lot of Americans spend countless hours researching providers in their area. After all, it is borderline impossible to find a parent that would not go above and beyond to guarantee their child’s safety.

Fortunately, federal and state laws recognize this as a high-importance area as well. Hence why many statutes are directly related to this particular sector. To understand some of the most important ones, consider the analysis below.

Licensing Requirements
Before anyone can even become eligible to look after your children, they will have to go through an intense licensing process that is handled by your state’s government. Since there is no overarching law for all 50 states, however, the requirements vary. For instance, different states may demand different adult-to-child ratios, learning hours, and similar. Nonetheless, there are some basic requirements that, while they may vary slightly, will most likely exist in all jurisdictions.

If you are interested in learning the ins and outs of the laws that each state has implemented, though, you should consider visiting the National Database of Child Care Licensing Regulation website that breaks down the data into categories by state. For instance, if you look up Texas, you will be taken to a new page that shows the overseeing agency’s name, address, phone number, website, and important notes regarding contacting the representatives. Moreover, you will be able to get the exact chapter and title of the code that can guide you through the process of childcare provider licensing and the legalities behind it.

As far as some of the most common demands that the state government may impose on the daycare centers, consider the following:

Verifying the Applicants
The most important step in the process of ensuring that the right individuals are looking over your children is the verification of their criminal history. This is done via comprehensive federal background checks. According to Janice Palmer, who works at the Little People Child Development Center, you should never get involved with a daycare center that does not conduct background checks. First, that means that they are breaking their state’s law regarding childcare safety, and there is a good chance that they do not draw the line there. More importantly, it could mean that individuals who have a criminal history are going to be interacting with your children daily.

Another advantage of background checks is the fact that they are handled by the federal government, thus, eliminating any state-based discrepancies. In translation, regardless of what part of the U.S. someone comes from, they will have to meet the same standard to be able to look after children or operate a daycare center. According to the Government’s childcare website, anyone living, working, volunteering, or participating in literally any part of the process here, regardless of how marginal their role may seem, needs to complete a background check. That includes everyone from the actual adults who will reside in the daycare center to the administrative employees, kitchen staff, janitors and even volunteers.

Child and Adult Care Food Program
Although it is not a mandatory requirement, Janice Palmer stresses the importance of programs like the Child and Adult Care Food Program, or CACFP. It was invented to allow daycare providers to obtain the necessary funding that will facilitate food for the children that are in their care. Thus, centers that are enrolled in this program will receive money from their state’s government to offset a part of the cost that must go toward nutritional meals for the child. Even though it is not something that has been made mandatory, it is safe to say that CACFP is a great sign of governments trying to step in to ensure that children are being cared for in good conditions.

Allowable Group Sizes
Finally, one must analyze the allowed group sizes as there have been countless issues in this area in the past. The reason why is that daycare centers used to host a much larger number of children than they were capable of handling. Nowadays, doing so is illegal as the state puts a strict set of guidelines that showcases the expected adult-to-child ratios. Note that there are some state-based variations here as well, which means that you should check your jurisdiction for the most accurate information. As far as the general rules, below are some of the most prominent ones:

You should also get educated on the age thresholds that are applicable for each of these five categories of children. For instance, most states see infants as children that are under 12 months old. Similarly, preschoolers tend to be those between three to five years of age. Some other ways that your state is keeping your children safe, as proven by the Little People Child Development Center, are constant training sessions for all adults who must continue their education in order to stay knowledgeable about the on-going developments within the sector. This includes a fair share of stimulating activities and innovative learning methods for infants and toddlers.

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