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Scrotox: The Number of Men Wanting the Operation Doubles in a Year

What is Scrotox? Well, let’s start by explaining its counterpoint: Botox. Botox is an injection of a special kind of toxin that has been used in medicine for quite some time. Only until recently has it been approved for aesthetic purposes such as to deter the appearance of wrinkles. Scrotox is just another variation of this, except it is meant for the scrotum, and promises to reduce wrinkles, sweating, and can actually make this part of the male organ appear larger. The idea of a shot being integrated for the testicular region is beyond me, yet the number of men wanting the operation has literally doubled in the past year. Now why is that?

Let us take a look at the facts. Though it costs a considerable amount of money, and is only approved at a certain number of clinics, men are flocking to the idea of a “larger scrotum” based on the notion that it will appeal to women more. Case and point, no man cares if their testicular region is less prone to sweat or has less wrinkles. What this procedure is doing is emphasizing the male stereotype that a larger penis or testicular area is appealing to women. I cannot argue against that. However, is this taking it too far?

According to a recent study by Psychology Today, seven out of eight women (roughly 84 percent of the United States population) do not care about the size of their man’s penis. So is this procedure really as revolutionary as one may think? Why would a man spend roughly $2,800 (plus flight costs to the clinics that are actually approved to perform this procedure, which is still in the testing phase) on an experimental injection that may be riddled with side effects we have yet to discover?

The male ego is a fragile entity. Though that statistic of 84 percent of women “not caring” about penis size, it is still common denotation that larger male organs represent dominance on an almost primitive level. In the times of the Romans, there are stories of women chastising men’s penises for not being large enough. In primal times, the virility of a man depended solely on how prosperous his seed was, and this became associated with the male testicular region. In a nutshell (no pun intended), the male was rated as suitable for reproduction based on the size of his penis. This connotation still exists today.

The amount of men willing to “try” this procedure has doubled from 2015 to 2016, meaning the procedure – despite potential (and radically harmful) side effects – is attaining a high status quo, but the honest truth is, what do women think? Do women really care if this part of a man’s livelihood is enhanced? Though the answer would most assuredly be “No,” that is fluff. Just as a woman goes through Botox treatments at by injecting literal poison into their bodies to paralyze muscles (in turn, promoting less wrinkles) in order to make herself more youthful and attractive, men are prone to the same method of rationality: the bigger it is, the better it will perform. This is not always the case.

Though clinical trials are still in the realm of discussion, let alone actual experimentation, men will flock to this service with $2,800 in hand, ready to go through an assuredly-painful series of injections just to appear larger, and thus, exerting dominance.

However, that may not be the only reason for this treatment. Many man do suffer from what is called “hyperhidrosis,” a condition characterized by excessively sweaty testicles. This treatment may prove useful for men with this condition, though it only affects around 2 percent of the male population and can often be treated with less astute remedies. Others may just want this done for their own satisfaction.

The injection does more than just enhance the male organ; it can fix problems on a medical level, just like Botox (Botox is often used for neck pain and back pain to relax the muscles). However, the risks are still substantial, as though Botox has been around for many years, Scrotox is a new medical “marvel,” and through injection, men might experience even worse side effects than Botox due to the location that this treatment is working on. The male testicular region is incredibly sensitive, about 10 times more so than regular skin, and this treatment is experimental at best.

I would say that the demand for it is unquestionably rational. As explained throughout this debate, the man and his male organs share a special bond, just as the woman does with her own. And just like women receiving vaginal rejuvenation surgery, the man now has a similar treatment. I do not condone it, but I can see the appeal. I can only say with caution that this procedure needs to be tested on a clinical level before it is actually dispensed to the public. Just like Botox, which took twenty years to become viably testable, Scrotox is a disaster waiting to happen. However, once again I do see the appeal. Not for me though!

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