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What is medical malpractice?

Medical malpractice is the professional negligence shown by a healthcare provider where he provides inferior treatment that causes injury, harm, or death to the patient. Such cases include wrong medication dosage, misdiagnosis, or childbirth injuries. The mistake can be caused either by an act of omission or negligence.

Medical malpractice law offers the patient a way to recover compensation for the harms caused by substandard treatment. The regulation and standards for malpractice vary slightly from one country to another. Even in the same country, the laws may differ from one jurisdiction to the next.

A hospital or doctor is not responsible for all the injuries that a patient may suffer. A health care provider is only liable for injuries that occur when he deviates from the quality of care that a competent doctor in his position would give.

How common is medical malpractice?

Errors in diagnosis cause 160,000 deaths per year in the US. Misdiagnosis is one of the most expensive and dangerous mistakes made by doctors in America. Examples of hospital errors include:

Informed consent

When a patient does not give informed consent to a certain medical procedure, according to cosmetic surgery insider, the doctor will be liable if it results in harm or injury, even if it was done faultlessly. For instance, if a surgeon does not inform a patient about a 30 percent risk of losing a limb during a procedure and the patient loses a hand, the doctor will be liable even if the surgery went well. This is because the patient might have opted out of the procedure if he had known about the risks.

Elements in a medical malpractice case

Compensatory and punitive damages

The plaintiff can be awarded punitive or compensatory damages:

When working with a Baltimore MD medical malpractice lawyer, you might be compensated.

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