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The 4 Items No Travelers Should Be Without

Woman taking photo. Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Woman taking photo. Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Pack easy, pack light: this ought to be the number one mantra for travelers and adventure-seekers. Everyone who travels knows the hassle of going from place to place with heavy backpacks and luggage, which is why companies are continuously finding ways to either make lighter bags, or make more compact clothing. You see all sorts of things marketed as”travel size,” “lightweight,” and “space saving,” but does it all help? In this post we will be talking about the 4 items no travelers should be without.

Repeat-Wear Clothes

Have you ever been in this situation: it’s the night before your outbound flight and you’re breaking a sweat trying to pack a load of clothes into a suitcase (half of which you probably won’t end up using)? It’s one of the most common problems when it comes to traveling and packing clothes, which is why it’s important to have clothes that can be used repeatedly or in different ways.

Merino wool is a great fabric in this regard, since it’s capable of staying fresh for a long time. For men, all you really need is one or two pairs of Merino wool boxers, which can be used repeatedly, replacing the need to bring several pairs of boxers. Also – and this one’s an even better space saver – merino wool socks are the best socks to take on trips as they wick sweat and have anti-microbial properties, again meaning that you really only need a couple pairs. They can stay clean and fresh even after repeated use.

Waterproof Containers

Another essential that travelers shouldn’t forget are waterproof containers. If you’re out to go to the beach, or have a canyoneering trip, or any activity that includes being wet, then you should be ready to pack your gadgets in waterproof cases. Waterproof bags, gadget cases and other items are a good way to go. The last thing you’d want is for your phone – often pulling duty as your maps, phone, camera and entertainment – to be rendered useless.

Basic Toiletries

If you’re a seasoned backpacker, you know that the only thing to expect is the unexpected. The airline may lose your luggage, or you might get caught somewhere remote, hunkered down miles away from your hotel because a monsoon has struck – anything can happen. It’s therefore important to bring with you some basic hygiene items such as a small bottle of hand sanitizer, handy size tissue paper and dental items, to keep on your person. This will keep you ready for the day ahead even if nothing works as planned.

A Great Camera

No traveler should leave without something to capture their great memories. Make sure to bring a camera appropriate to your trip. Waterproof and heavy-duty cameras such as a GoPro will be good for outdoor adventures. For urban and city travelling, a simple point and shoot camera, DSLR, or the camera from your phone will do. Be careful in handling your gadgets outdoors.

Now that you’ve got the perfect pair of boxers, waterproof containers, toiletries and a great camera, it’s time for you to head on to your next adventure.

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