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What is So Clever About Debt Consolidation?
There has been a lot of talk about debt consolidation in recent years. For those who don't know, debt consolidation is the process by...
Jay Eitner: How New Jersey Can Make Its Education System the Best in the Country
There's a healthy competition going on today between teachers in classrooms in every state. Each state tries to get its education system rated the...
Tired Of Broken Screens? The Rugged Smartphone You Can’t Live Without
Have you ever wondered why all of your electronic gadgets break? It would be nice if they lasted for decades, slowly degrading as time...
How To Replace Your Child’s Social Security Card
There is nothing worse than not being able to find a social security card. This can be even worse when it is your child's...
Minnesota Politicians Rush to Replace Sewer Systems and Aging Infrastructure
Minnesota's city leaders are rushing to replace the state's aging infrastructure with a focus on many cities' aging water pipes and sewer systems....
4 Blue Collar Jobs Paying $40, 000+ a Year Without a Degree
High paying careers are available without a college degree. Yes, there is training required, but this isn't the normal road that takes...
The Best Career Paths For MPA Graduates
The masters degree in public administration is one of the most versatile degrees that students today can study. The MPA opens the door to...
The GIST Industry is In Need of More Graduates
The geospatial technology industry has been named as a high growth industry by the US Department of Labor. There is now an even greater...
How to Make Your Internship Abroad Affordable
It's not uncommon for college students to feel a touch of the wanderlust. An internship abroad is an exciting option; it's tough to compete...
3 Benefits of Online Learning
The ability to study wherever and whenever is just one of the number of benefits of from online learning. Particularly for those that have...
Some of The Best Careers in Public Health
There are a number of reasons why it is worth considering studying for a rewarding career in public health. Public health careers are very...
Tips to Save a Bundle on your Credit Card Bills
In today's debt-driven society, effective financial management is key. Consider the burgeoning household debt levels in the United Kingdom and the United States...
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