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Business Advertising Ideas For Small Business in 2019

business advertising ideas

Are you preparing to launch a new business? Or are you looking to take your brand to the next level?

Small businesses continue to sprout left and right. There are over 28 million small businesses in the United States. Believe it or not, these businesses account for about 99.7% of all the businesses in the country.

And the competition has never been this stiff.

So if you want to make an impact in the market, you need to be creative in terms of marketing. You also need to combine different business advertising ideas.

If you wish to stay two steps ahead of the competition, continue reading below.

Business Advertising Ideas that Will Go a Long Way

As we mentioned above, today’s competition is cutthroat. You need to embrace different ideas and implement them with precision. Check out these 10 advertising ideas we prepared for you:

1. Focus on Content

When it comes to advertising, everything starts with good content. You don’t need to be a great writer to come up with excellent content. If you don’t feel comfortable, have someone from your team who is more capable do the writing.

As for the topics, stick to the ones that easily draw the interest of online visitors. If you are offering a service, write about the best practices in the industry. You can also come up with a “Top 10 list” or “Tips to improve,” among others.

Always remember that in advertising, content is king.

2. Answer Important Questions

Before you advertise your products and services, you need to find out what your target market is asking about. Sit down with your team and list down the relevant questions that you need to answer.

Your goal is to provide value to your target market.

List down the frequently asked questions coming from the people. You can find these questions from different sources. Check the reviews coming from Yelp and Facebook.

After identifying these questions, come up with solid answers. It is best if you come up with branded graphics as you present your answers.

3. Create Helpful Videos

Some people do not have the time to read a full article. These people prefer graphics or short videos. Thus, you need to supplement your articles with engaging videos.

If you don’t have enough budget to hire a professional, you can create the videos yourself. Much like your other content, you want to churn up informative videos.

You can create tutorials regarding your latest products. You can also teach a skill that specifically benefits your target market.

4. Sponsor a Contest

To spur more client engagements, sponsor a contest. It can be an online contest or a traditional type where your customers will send in their entries.

If you have a small budget, then start small. Raffle off small but useful items like water bottles or USB sticks. Make sure that the prizes carry your company’s branding.

Your goal is to make the contest a win-win affair. This means your clients win the prizes and in return, they become your loyal customers. They become instant brand ambassadors to a certain extent.

5. Strengthen Social Media Presence

Since everybody is in social media, you need to make your presence felt across all social media platforms. Start by linking all of your contents and videos with your Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.

You can also create business accounts in LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube.

Make sure that your social media posts come with a link that directs the public to your main website. With more people using their mobile devices for browsing, make sure that your content is mobile-phone friendly.

In case your social media budget is low, start small. Work on a $5 daily budget until you get your groove.

6. Try Guest Blogging

Going back to your blog posts, you can try to do some guest blogging. This works by partnering with another company or individual who is not your direct competitor. These are companies and individuals who complement your products and services.

You will write articles for them in exchange for links to your own blogs. Guest blogging helps to increase website traffic.

Don’t forget to keep your content informative and full of value.

7. Data Matters

If you consider yourself an expert in your industry, don’t hesitate to show everyone what you know. Come up with serious infographics that come with relevant data.

People love to see graphics that educate on things that interest them. Infographics make data more palatable to readers. Infographics help visitors understand your message faster.

This works best when you have lots of numbers to show.

8. Personal Approach Still Works

Despite the availability of online advertising, do not forget to employ personal strategies. Your goal is to connect with your target market in a deeper level. Try sponsoring a local event or offer local deals and coupons.

Moreover, there are companies that offer face-to-face marketing and direct sales. If you have the budget, you can hire a professional who specializes in this strategy. Check out the Smart Circle Linkedin page for more details.

9. Give Out Flyers and Brochures

Believe it or not, traditional advertising still works. If you have the manpower, hand out flyers and brochures within your community.

Make sure to come up with a catchy brochure. The key details must also be clear. Don’t forget to include all of your company’s contact details like phone numbers, address, and social media accounts.

10. Capitalize on the Reviews

Lastly, you need to understand that customer reviews matter. Did you earn five-star reviews in the past? Use them as part of your advertising and marketing efforts.

Create a feature on one of your products and pair those reviews with the items’ images. Keep in mind that reviews affect the decision-making of 95% of online customers.

Cover All Bases Through Education

With these 10 business advertising ideas we discussed, you now have the tools to level up your brand. But you should never rest on your laurels. There are other important concerns you also need to cover.

And you can do so by educating yourself.

We have other articles and blog posts that are useful in growing your business further. We discuss topics like using the right software and protecting your business against copyright theft, among others.

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