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HomeUncategorizedCBD For Pets: Good or Bad

CBD For Pets: Good or Bad

CBD is a compound that's found in the hemp plant, that can help with many mental and physical disorders.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a hemp-derived compound that has become increasingly popular in the natural health and wellness community. Many use it for a wide variety of purposes, attempting to treat things like stress and daily discomfort. But this compound has quickly started finding its way into new products such as CBD pet treats. If you’re a pet owner, the most important thing to do is to become more knowledgeable about these products before you give them to your pets. What is CBD? Is it good, or is it bad? Let’s take a closer look at these popular pet products in the guide below.

What Is CBD?

CBD is a compound that’s found in the hemp plant. It’s a compound that interacts with a series of receptors found within our bodies known as the endocannabinoid. While we produce our own cannabinoids, phytocannabinoids from plants can be introduced to the body and perform the same function as endocannabinoids. Pets like dogs share this same system, which means that you could theoretically give them CBD and it would achieve the same purpose in their bodies. CBD is commonly used to address feelings of anxiety, discomfort, and sleeplessness.

The Benefits of CBD for Pets

It’s important to note that research is still being conducted in order to better understand how CBD interacts with animals. That being said, what we know so far could point to benefits for animals. Many of the benefits offered by CBD for humans seem to be the same when given to animals, which could prove useful should pets get anxious when they’re left at home or hear loud noises.

More than that, CBD doesn’t have the same type of side effects as other cannabinoids like THC. While THC is toxic to animals, CBD doesn’t seem to share this same toxicity at lower doses. This means that it should be able to be administered without any harmful side effects. With the above in mind, it’s always best to consult your local veterinarian to make sure that you’re using the right products and administering them correctly. It’s always best to err on the side of safety when it comes to your furry friend.

The Potential Drawbacks

There are a few potential drawbacks. The first comes in the form of the potential presence of THC in CBD products. Because THC is so toxic to animals, a small amount could prove dangerous. If the products you’re using aren’t completely THC-free, it could be harmful to your pet.

More than that, taking CBD could cause interactions with certain prescription medications. Should your pet be taking medications that are metabolized by the liver, adding CBD products to the mix could prove dangerous.

CBD pet products hold a lot of promise when it comes to soothing pets and addressing other wellness issues naturally. However, it’s far too early to make definitive statements regarding the efficacy or safety of CBD for animals. Consider the above when you’re planning on giving your pet CBD products.

Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant

Hugh Grant is a technology, business, finance and conservative news blogger with a deep concern for facts and realities.

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