4 Tips to Reach the Top of Google

The people who need your law firm’s services are using Google to find you. In fact, 96% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine. This is why it is so important to make sure your legal website is listed in the top Google search results. Visibility is key to driving traffic to your website and getting new clients.

This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. SEO may be one of those things you constantly hear people talking about, but really do not know what it is referring to. SEO is about employing strategies and techniques to heighten website visibility and improve website ranking in search engine results. By increasing your rankings, you are making your law firm’s website more visible to potential customers who are seeking legal advice.

In order to understand how to improve your website’s Google search visibility, you need to know how Google works. If you enter a specific term or phrase into Google, it compiles a list of the most compatible results for that query. Websites that are most compatible with Google’s algorithm will be listed higher in the search engine results pages. The higher the ranking, the more visible your website, leading to more website visitors. More website traffic will ultimately turn into more calls from potential clients.

Here are four tips to reach the top of Google:

  1. Do research on industry-specific keywords and implement them on your site appropriately. Identify the keywords that people are using in their searches when trying to find services in your legal realm. When these keywords appear throughout the content on your website, your prospective clients are able to locate your website when they use those same or similar terms in their search. Google will recognize the search terms recurring throughout your website and will, therefore, rank your website higher in the search results. But use them sporadically. If overused, Google will recognize this and know you are trying to rank for these terms. Instead, use them in the content naturally in an informational way.
  2. Improve content on your site. Google robots are always on the hunt for those websites that continuously update their content and provide useful information for people using Google search (especially after Google’s Fred update earlier this year). Recognition of fresh, new, and unique content by robots crawling your website will ultimately improve your website’s Google search ranking. This is especially true when your website content uses specific keywords in blog titles and web pages.
  3. Make sure all of your contact information is correct. A firm’s contact information page is one of the most frequently viewed sections of their website. Make sure that your firm name, address, and phone number is correct. Additionally, make sure that the same contact information appears in all legal directories. Consistency and accuracy of information is key. The more accurate your name, address and phone number across the web, the more likely Google will show your law firm listing in the map area of the search engine results when a potential new client searches for legal advice in their area.
  4. Create a mobile-friendly website. Google knows that a website that is accessible on mobile devices is very important to those performing online searches. In fact, Google plans on rolling out a mobile first indexing algorithm soon, which means that Google will look at your website’s mobile version of site when determining rankings. Why? Because a Google study showed that 94% of people with smartphones search for local information with their phones. If someone is using their phone to search for local legal services, they are going to want to look at a firm’s website. If the user interface on your firm’s mobile website is complicated or difficult to access, this bad user experience will drive people away from your website (known as a bounce) and your firm. Google takes bounce rate into consideration when determining rankings even has a label for whether or not a website is mobile-friendly. Your competitors will have the mobile-friendly website label, and if yours does not, they will immediately get the competitive edge over you.

As a lawyer, you know the advantages of hiring a professional. When people need legal expertise they seek out a lawyer, therefore if you need expert SEO strategies, you go to an SEO specialist, specifically one with knowledge of the legal industry. Amicus Creative prides itself on SEO for legal professionals. We are here to help your law firm succeed!

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.