How to Build a Career That Helps People

It’s not surprising that the vast majority of individuals in the world are looking to take care of themselves and their immediate family when they go into work. They’re interested in earning a good wage, and taking that back home to put food on the table and earn a lovely lifestyle for their nearest and dearest. Still, though, others might be looking to also help other people while earning for their family – and this article looks at some of the ways in which you can be of service not just to your kin, but to your society as a whole.


Well, this is a strange place to start. Working for no money on projects that have no financial incentive might seem completely daft to you, but you’ll be surprised at the skills you will gain, the friends you will make, and the help you will enjoy providing in a voluntary role. These roles can also make you more employable over time, and will lead you to more interesting opportunities. You can volunteer as a:

  • Community leader, helping bring together your local neighborhood for cultural events and celebrations
  • Neighborhood watch, helping the older people around you feel safe
  • A Nursing home, to help elderly people find comfort, dignity and peace in old age
  • A school, teaching different areas of knowledge to excited schoolkids

The list goes on and on. What’s for certain is that your voluntary work will positively impact upon your career – it’s something employers love to see on a CV, as it shows you’re a giving go-getter.

Medical Profession

When you read ‘medical profession’, you’re most likely to think about doctors and nurses, and you might well discount yourself from this tip altogether. But it’s not just qualified medical professionals who work in hospitals and clinics across the country – there are a huge amount of roles that support doctors and nurses in hospitals that are rarely considered as jobs that directly help people. They include:

  • The porters who ferry patients between buildings and departments – something that helps get them seen to and healed.
  • The administrators who keep checks on patient records – you can get an online MHA in this from the University of Boston.
  • The cleaners who keep the hospital sterile and safe for all those who are involved in working or visiting the building.
  • Managers who ensure that the business side of the hospital is working effectively and that patients and staff are satisfied.

Working in a hospital is rewarding – and something you should consider as a well-regarded career.

Work in Care

Well, this one goes without saying. Working in care is perhaps the most giving and caring jobs out there – something that requires only the kindest hearts and the most patient souls. Whether you’re looking after the old and infirm, the disabled and those unable to function in society, children, hospital patients or anyone else for that matter, you can enjoy a terrific career in care while at the same time being of profound service to the individuals around you. This is a career that touches the hearts of thousands of people who pass through your care.

Build a Career. Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
Build a Career. Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay
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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.