Here Is How Marketing on Social Media Differs for B2B and B2C

Regardless of whether you are selling business clients or end users, social media is a trendy tool to reach out and connect with the target audience for guiding their buying personas. However, doing this effectively requires the seller to comprehend their market segments.

This subsequently helps in using the right social platforms and providing the right content while. This is applicable whether you are creating a new B2C marketing plan or reviewing an updated B2B marketing plan.

Of the two, B2C companies were the initial ones to adopt and implement social media marketing strategies. They were the earlier adopters after recognizing the vast potential of such marketing. On the other hand, B2B companies even today are cynical when it comes to harnessing the power of social media for expanding their business.

Well, most people feel that the reason behind this is the difference in selling B2B and B2C products. This has resulted in an apparent inability to gauge the effectiveness of social media marketing. Apart from the traditional marketing, social media marketing also differs for both. Here is how:

Customers/Market Segments

Well, the target audience for both B2B and B2C differs even on social media platforms. For example, for a B2B company, its customers can be a specific niche of firms. Further, in those firms, there can be more than two people responsible for taking a buying decision. Now, each one may have unique questions to ask before taking a decision.

Thus, for promoting a project management app, for instance, you need to persuade those people that the app is compliant and secured. Similarly, you also need to convince the manager that it fulfills all requirements and even the CEO that it provides value for money. Therefore, social media marketing shall involve a different strategy to convince these people.

On the other hand, in case of a B2C market, there are just individual end users. Here, a social media marketing strategy can be simply one for a single platform just as Facebook.


Traditionally, B2C sellers rely on blogs and consider how shareable a blog post shall be while writing its content. They freely harness the commendable viral effect of visual content such as YouTube videos. While B2C companies prefer sharing casual content, B2B firms focus more on professional content.

However, content and social media platforms have evolved. A simple message in a social post is also a strategy for content marketing. Therefore, it is vital to have well though content, especially as per the targeted market segments. While social content for B2C customers is more casual with humor, the same for B2B customers is less casual. The latter is more interested in white papers, webinars, case studies, and infographics. It is also possible to implement a few B2C strategies for B2B marketing.

Social Platforms

As per the preferable content, even the social platforms to target are different although a few are common between the two. For B2C, the marketers tend to focus more on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter. On the other hand, B2B marketers prefer LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.