Tips for Finding the Perfect Office Space for Your Startup

You have been looking everywhere you can for a brick and mortar space, hoping to run across the perfect location for your start-up. However, if you’ve never done this before, it can be overwhelming and just a little bit confusing, to say the least. With that in mind, below you’ll find some tips to help you find the perfect place in which to set up your practice.

Create Your Budget

Whether you’re opening your own web design firm or researching accounting practice sales, the very first thing you want to do when searching for office space is to know what your budget is for the location. Remember, it’s not just about the payment on the location every month, it’s about the other expenses as well. There are many small business loans available to help you if you need it, but you need to create a budget first, and factor in things such as water, power, and upkeep on the location as well. Knowing your budget will go along way towards helping you find the right office space for your needs.

Know How Much Space You Need

A good rule of thumb to follow when it comes to judging the office space you need is to allow at least 100 square feet per every four to six employees. This gives plenty of space for all of you to move around without bumping into one another and the office being crowded. If you’re moving into the office space on your own in the beginning, think ahead, since you’re certainly going to want to expand your employee base in the future.

Consider a Coworking Space

If your budget is tight and you’re not sure quite how you’re going to swing an accounting space on your own, at the moment, why not try out a coworking space first. This not only lets you work with people in your field, but it also gives you the time to save the money to purchase the perfect accounting office down the line.

Only Work with an Agent You Trust

As with any other venture out there today, you have to be careful that you are working with someone you can trust. Do your homework and hire an agent that has your best interest at heart, not the best interest of the people you will be buying the property from. The best way to find that reputable agent is by word of mouth. Talk to friends, family, coworkers, and other business owners you know to see what agent they used and if they would use that agent again. Once you have a couple of agent’s names do your homework to determine how successful they have been in the past, then go and read reviews that will let you know just how good they are to work with as well.

These are just a few of the top tips out there to help you find the perfect office space to meet your needs. Make sure that you do your homework well, follow the tips above, and soon you’ll be sitting pretty in your own office, waiting for customers to come in.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.