3 Interesting Ways Businesses are Getting Involved in Mobile Marketing

With a smartphone saturated society, it makes sense that businesses would begin using these tiny devices to their advantage. While television and radio entered family homes reaching out to consumers long ago, smartphone marketing can permeate the home environment even further. Companies are now able to market to their smartphone users while they are eating dinner, going the bathroom, taking a shower, and even when in bed.

Most smartphone users seem to be aware of the overwhelming barrage of ads they are assailed with, and do not seem to mind. Companies now need to evaluate their mobile marketing strategies to assess whether they are capitalizing on the many possibilities available through mobile marketing. Included here are a few of the interesting ways businesses are getting involved in mobile marketing.

Mobile-Friendly Websites

The first step in becoming accessible to your mobile users is by creating a mobile-friendly webpage. This involves creating a version of your website that is easier to read and view on the screen of your mobile phone. Often this will require hiring a coder for a one time change to your website and with occasional updates.

For most websites, using responsive design is the best way to boost your mobile audience and improve web page traffic. Responsive design means your website will change to fit the screen of every cellular device and create the most interactive experience possible. It is important your users on everything from Apple to Android are having the same viewing experience of your page to boost business and increase customer satisfaction.

Target New Devices

If there is anything technology has taught us, it is that everyone wants to be involved with the latest and greatest. People value updated technology, which means your company should to. By becoming a part of the pitch for the newest systems and cell phone models, you can harness new customers and gain loyalty for your brand. When a new phone is in development, your company may be able to get in on the ground floor with advertising, model development, and brand recognition.

Utilize Text Message Marketing

SMS text message marketing is an incredibly delicate beast. While it gives you unprecedented access to your consumer’s smartphone, it can also feel like an invasion of privacy if overdone. Appropriate SMS marketing should be navigated cautiously, and messages only sent out if there is a distinct reward attached for the smartphone user.

For instance, sending your consumers a message simply saying “miss you, come visit ____ soon!” could annoy the consumer and does not offer them a tangible benefit. If you want a good response from consumers, offer them a discount coupon, a happy hour special, or a chance to win a prize. Giving the consumer an enticing reward along with your personal marketing is a win-win.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.