5 Retail Apps That Can Help You Grow Your Business

One of the most reliable methods for running and growing a retail business is by using technology. The right tools can streamline cumbersome processes, save time and money, and ultimately help you build a better company overall.

There are countless apps, both for desktop and mobile platforms, that are designed to do all that. To help you discover the best solutions, this post will shed light on a handful of desktop and mobile applications that are made for stores.

Check them out below and see if you can use them in your retail biz.


Vend is a cloud-based point of sale and retail management system that helps you stay on top of your sales, inventory management, customer relationships, and more.

As a POS system, Vend all ows you to ring up sales with ease, thanks to an intuitive sell screen that’s packed with nifty features such as search, quick keys, and more. The system also supports various payment options, including traditional cash and credit cards, as well as mobile payments, gift cards, layby, and buy-now-pay-later.

Perfect for both single and multi-store businesses, Vend is perfect for inventory-based shops because of its robust stock control capabilities. You can easily enter items and import products bulk, and Vend supports variants and composites, so you can bundle merchandise together. If you use barcodes, you can import them directly into the platform or print out new ones.

Vend also has strong analytics capabilities, allowing retailers to build reports around sales, product performance, customer histories, and more. That way, you never have to guess how sales are tracking every month or which products are doing well.

Last but not least, are Vend’s customer management features, which enable you to build your customer data base efficiently. With Vend, you can create shopper profiles at the point of sale as well as run a loyalty program that incentivizes customers to come back. Want to segment your shoppers? Create customer groups using the software and run targeted promotions and campaigns.


Xero is a big name in the world of business and accounting software, and they have solutions that can help any retailer achieve a greater level of success.

Xero provides users with a real-time view of their cash flow. This is a perfect solution for anyone who wants to digitize their accounting processes but fears something will be lost in translation. The ability to view sales and expenses anytime, anywhere from a Mac, PC, or mobile device is very valuable.

This app lets users run their business on the go by sending invoices and creating claims as necessary. Xero also allows for quicker payments and lightning-fast reconciliations. Keep things in order with clients and customers while getting updates every step of the way.

It’s a great tool for anyone who wants to know exactly how their business is doing financially, but don’t have the time to make manual calculations or sift through complicated documents.


This app’s biggest claim to fame is a good one – it’s the store-building platform compatible with the renowned content management system (CMS) WordPress.

That’s a big plus for many people. If you’re running your site using WordPress, you can move right into WooCommerce with little difficulty. Build your online store and set up a thriving eCommerce platform you can use to grow your business.

Trusted by everyone from startups to established enterprises, WooCommerce offers users a great degree of flexibility in terms of what they want to sell and how they want to sell it. The added perk of having content at the core of everything makes this app easy to integrate into your existing setup.

There are also hundreds of extensions you can use for everything from shipping to accounting – it’s a tool built for scalability and expansion.


Deputy has staff management tools for retailers of all sizes.

One of their biggest offerings is the staff management toolkit which simplifies beyond traditional spreadsheets. Managers can create schedules for employees and notify them in an instant – effectively making it easy to avoid a lot of staffing issues companies typically deal with.

The advantage of employee tracking is greater payroll accuracy and added insight into exactly how your workforce is functioning. There’s a newsfeed for sharing updates with teams, plus a way to assign individual jobs to team members and track when those jobs have been completed.

Retailers know all about managing schedules, timeclocks, and tasks – with an app designed to do all these things, improving your business can be much easier.


If you have a growing customer base and are looking to run personalized marketing campaigns at scale, then Marsello could be the solution for you. An app that makes marketing automation easy for retailers, Marsello has a range of features that can enable you to connect with shoppers and ultimately increase sales.

The app has excellent customer engagement capabilities, including features for creating loyalty and VIP programs. Marsello also lets you also automate feedback collection so you can measure customer satisfaction and take the shopping experience to the next level.

For retailers who want to increase sales, Marsello has features like product recommendations and holiday promotions so you can keep driving traffic to your site. In the same vein, the solution has customer acquisition tools such as referral programs as well as Facebook, Instagram, and Retargeting ads.

Finally, Marsello has shopping cart abandonment solutions, which enable you to create “win back” campaigns that can prompt customers who left your site without purchasing anything to complete the checkout process.

Retail Apps Can Move Your Business Forward

When you’re in the retail world, you can invest a lot of effort into making positive changes. But unless you’re using the right tools, you may be limiting yourself.

How can you improve your team’s capabilities and your organization’s efforts? Retail apps like the ones mentioned here offer a variety of helpful functions. Whether you want to build a store, track your timesheets more efficiently, or see a real-time update of your cash flows, this list has plenty of options for you to try.

The key to choosing the right retail apps is to choose ones based on your goals. What is it you want to accomplish? Once you know the answer to this, finding the right app or apps is much easier – and your results can be much better, too.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.