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HomeBusinessTechnologyEnhance Product Development Reviews are Going Strong

Enhance Product Development Reviews are Going Strong

You have probably come across several infomercials in your life while browsing through TV channels, mostly during the late hours. These infomercials are best known for selling ‘as seen on TV’ products. But most of these products are usually met with mixed reviews because of their unrealistic claims.

Seeing how these products are marketed on TV and how they’re not what they seem to be, it is natural to think about whether anyone buys them anymore.

It may come as a surprise, but even today when the internet has so many options for us to find and buy unique products, as seen on TV products are making a fortune for companies.

At least that much is true for Enhance Product Development, a firm based in Minnesota which has been inventing, marketing, and selling these products through infomercials for decades.

“It certainly has a checkered past,” Enhance President and co-founder Trevor Lambert said of infomercials. “But it’s a powerful medium when it works.”

Lambert tells us that some of the products that were successful in enticing potential buyers have sold millions of times. He recalls the first few successful products of the company managed to sell seven to eight million units since its launch.

The customers are so happy that you can find more of them on this site:

Lambert’s company has a small team but that team is very talented. They are experts in industrial design, sales, and product development. But what really surprised us that some of the team members at Enhance are also actually behind the creation of some of the company’s most successful products.

Enhance has an ‘inside inventing program’ that lets any of its team members to submit their personal ideas with the board of directors. If their product idea is successful, the employee is paid royalties. This is how mainly Enhance comes up with unique ideas.

The company also helps independent inventors to launch their product ideas. These people can come to Enhance with an idea and get help with designing, patenting marketing, and even licensing of the product. This way Enhance is able to increase its product portfolio.

Most of Enhance’s products are sold through infomercials, but the company isn’t letting any medium go out of hand. Its products are also listed on Amazon, which is a bit risky but when it works, it works great.

“The ‘Amazon Effect’ can kill a product really fast,” Lambert said. “People want the product to do what it promises to do, and if it doesn’t work, they’ll leave a review and other potential customers will see that right away.”

Enhance has truly proven that as seen on TV products are far from dead. With infomercials, e-commerce site listings, social media marketing, and brick and mortar stores, Enhance products can be seen everywhere these days. This is helping them to grow into a force to be reckoned with.

“If you want to get peoples’ attention today, you really have to have a winner. And that’s what we try and create here every day,” Lambert said.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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