The Advantage of Online Invoicing Software

It doesn’t matter if you are an eCommerce business, work in a brick-n-mortar retail space, or are completely freelance — the market for your services is only going to get more competitive. So gaining and retaining customers is a big concern. Any size business should be constantly on the lookout for ways to economize both money and time. Consumers are becoming more selective, more demanding, in what they want for their money. One way to maximize this scenario is with good online invoicing software; it’s key to scaling any billing model.

With online invoicing software everything is stored in the cloud, and can be recalled with the touch of a button or two when it’s needed. No more tedious and seemingly interminable spreadsheets to fill out over and over again, or struggling with invoice templates that are too generic to fit exactly what you need unless you waste time fiddling with them. Clients can be billed in a matter of minutes after they’ve placed an order, instead of having to postpone that vital cash infusion until all the spreadsheets and/or invoicing templates are set up properly. New clients can be set up in the cloud in just a few minutes. This is like shaking the money tree.

Recurring payments for long term clients is a dream come true with online invoicing. It’s all automatic, once the initial billing/payment information is entered. Do it just once, and everything else is taken care of automatically, so the accounting/billing department can get on to bigger and better things.

And finally, customized reminders and messages are easy to set up with online invoicing software — so that every bill paid on time receives a prompt ‘thank you’ message, and every bill that becomes past due will generate a mild reminder to the client that it’s time to pay. All in all, invoicing online software is a no-brainer for any business that wants to expand and see more profit.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.