Want to Market Your Business Better? Use These Methods

In the US and the UK last year, the government saw more businesses set up since records began, businesses in all areas, from technology to finance, florists to delivery firms, and this year looks set to be even bigger once again. What this means for your business is competition, whilst it can help drive you to achieve results, competition means that the client base is diluted and as such you will have to fight tooth and nail to ensure it is your business that the customers choose. In order to do this you need to first have a great product that is provided with excellent service. Once you have that, then the only way that you can really beat your competitors is with a slick marketing strategy that grabs the attention of your potential customers. Here are some ways to go about it.

SEO Marketing

SEO or SEOP marketing is working with search engines to ensure that your company website appears at the top of search engines when customers type in particular keywords. If you have a flooring business in Melbourne for example then you want to appear on page 1 of the search engine if customers search ‘flooring Melbourne.’ Many companies offer this service and prices are very reasonable, just be sure you check out the SEOP reviews before you choose a company, there are some sharks out there.

Promotional Marketing

Get your customers on the hook by making them an offer they can’t refuse, get your products on coupon websites with big discounts, send out email vouchers or use a loyalty scheme to keep the customers that you already have. Doing this will cost you a little bit of a loss on your bottom line but you aim to generate long term revenue when customers keep coming back.

Relationship Marketing

With so much competition in the market, it is hard for customers to find trust and loyalty, you can gain this from them by engaging with them directly and without offering them anything. Master entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk calls this the ‘jab jab hook’ approach, speaking with your customers, showing them some love, gaining their trust before you present products before their eyes. This method is less aggressive but will often gain you more clients.

Traditional Marketing

Despite the digital age, there is still a lot of benefit in using traditional marketing methods, radio ads, newspaper ads, banners, flyers, posters all still work, especially for local businesses. Remember that the idea of marketing is to get your business/brand/product out there and into the minds of customers and traditional marketing will do exactly that. A catchy radio jingle will stay in people’s minds. A poster they see every day driving to work will imprint your business in their heads, and a creative newspaper ad will still be seen by thousands of pairs of eyes. Traditional marketing alone doesn’t work as well as it used to, however, and you should combine this with digital marketing as part of your strategy.

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Boris Dzhingarov

Boris Dzhingarov is a business news writer who covers a wide range of issues.