R. Kelly Makes Buys Freedom, But Can’t Pay Back Child Support

The man is popular among R&B artists, but R. Kelly is in a world of trouble with the law. He’s accused of ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse, and couldn’t afford the $1,000,000 bond set by the judge who is currently presiding over the case. That’s $250,000 for each of the four victims, three of which were underage when the crimes supposedly took place. Bail is set at 10 percent of the total bond, which means R. Kelly needed $100 grand. That’s no small sum of cash, but one would think he’d be able to pay up.

Turns out he needed the help of a female friend, because a string of bad investments and bad decisions have left him broke. The woman who got him out of jail subsequently received bomb threats at her workplace, but police have as of yet been unable to make an arrest related to the scare.

In addition to not being able to afford his own bail, R.Kelly is stuck with overdue rent and child support payments. A judge signed an eviction notice on behalf of Kelly’s landlord in January, but he still hasn’t vacated the studio where he works. According to court documents, he owes at least $166,000 in back rent. That isn’t all: a judge also ordered the entire second floor of that studio closed due to fire hazard, and limited his noise-making hours from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

Somehow, Kelly also owes about $31,000 for two previous rentals in Fulton County, Georgia.

The unpaid child support totals at least $169 grand, about $20,000 of which Kelly was ordered to pay on a monthly basis. So far he’s failed to meet this requirement, in part because he didn’t even show up to the court hearing during which it was ordered. He had until March 6 to pay up, or else a judge threatened to hold him in contempt of court.

Kelly is accused of spitting at a couple of his victims, one of whom was in possession of a shirt holding his DNA. When he was released on bond, he was barred from contact with minors and forced to surrender his passport to authorities.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.