While some home emergencies may be an easy fix, like a leaky faucet, some of them are not so easy and not always something you should attempt to fix on your own. The first step to avoiding these things is to be prepared. The second step is knowing what to do when these cases arise, for the safety of you and your family.
Emergencies are scary and they can make you panic, which can lead to even more problems. If you don’t want to panic then you need to be prepared. Here are some preparation tips.
Frozen Or Burst Pipes
The water in your home travels from the ground into your home through a system of pipes and all sorts of issues can happen with those pipes. You could have a leak, a pipe could crack or break (maybe rust out), or, when it’s cold outside, you could end up with frozen pipes. With frozen pipes comes the possibility of a break, and fixing this is not cheap.
When it comes to frozen pipes, a moment of prevention can make a huge difference. That means making sure that you get heat tape on your pipes before freezing temperatures hit. You also want to make sure that you are following the weather so that when freezing advisories come out you know to leave your faucets trickling some.
Faulty Heater
Did you get your heater inspected before winter came? If not you could be risking your life and the life of your family. A faulty heater can release carbon monoxide into the air which can kill. It may start with sleepiness and headaches, but it can quickly turn worse.
If you lose power in the winter or any other time of the year, you may reach for your generator in order to keep the heat or refrigerator running, but you want to make sure that you are using that device safely. Running it in your home, or even in the garage, can also lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and the possibility of a fire.
House Fire
Speaking of house fires, that is something that can be prevented as well. A smoke detector can help save your life quickly, so make sure that you have the right amount of them in your home and that you are testing them often to make sure the batteries are working. If your detectors are older and you’re concerned about how well they work, replace them with newer models.
It can also be important to have a working fire extinguisher in your home. Sometimes it takes the fire department a bit to reach a destination and you may be able to put out a small fire in your home on your own if you have the proper equipment on hand.