According to a study published by Social Psychology and Personality Science, casual sex isn’t the end of the world. In fact, the study argues, casual sex can play a healthy and functional role in our lives, despite much in the way of public moral haranguing. According to the study, undergrads who attested to frequent casual sex were found to have a ‘higher level of well-being’ in comparison to their more moralistic peers. Does this mean that everything we thought we knew about casual sex was wrong? Let’s find out by digging into the facts.
At one point in time, the concept of so-called casual sex was horrifying enough to make every adult clutch their pearls. Sex outside of the confines of marriage? Sex that isn’t for the sole purpose of procreation? Preposterous, right? Well, not exactly. Casual sex has been scientifically linked to several seriously beneficial results to our mental and physical health. In fact, research is starting to show that casual sex is actually really good for you when practiced safely.
Casual Sex: Science Is On Your Side.
A study presented by Arizona State University revealed that casual sex was directly linked to an increase in positivity for 58 middle-aged women who partook in the study. So, not only were these women enjoying their nights in bed, the impact of that interaction was carried through to their day-to-day life! People are literally happier when they have regular sex, casual or otherwise. That is a pretty startling manifestation of scientific evidence that highlights, as clear as can be, that sex can be a healthy aspect of any adult life.
While the ASU study revealed a positive trait for middle-aged women who were having sex, we can find even more encompassing positive results from casual sex. Sex feels good, right? If we said nothing else, that’d be reason enough to pursue casual, consensual sex in a healthy and safe way. However, there is more to say. Sex as a physical act can dramatically improve not only our mood but our body, as well. When we have sex, our body goes through a tremendous experience. Our blood pressure, endorphins and cortisol levels all take off in a healthy way. We breathe deep, we sweat out calories, we tone our bodies. These physical reactions may be short-lived at the moment but they actually carry through the rest of our day, giving us a confidence boost and pep in our step.
So, the next time someone tries to vilify casual sex, remember that science is on your side. With a healthy attitude and a safe approach, casual sex is as good for you as hitting the gym — while feeling even better.