5 Project Management Tips for Those New To Leadership

They say, “it’s lonely at the top” for a reason.

There’s no way to prepare yourself for the responsibility of leading a team. Being in charge of a group can and will present you with issues and drawbacks you can’t possibly anticipate

That said, there’s a job that needs doing. And, it’s up to you to do it.

If you’re getting ready to take on your first assignment as a project manager and are looking for a little advice, we’ve got you covered.

Here are seven essential project management tips to help you guide your team to success.

1. Know Your Project Inside and Out

If you approach your project with only a vague understanding of how you’re going to accomplish your goal, you will likely fail.

Before you can put your team to work, you need to make sure you understand every aspect of your project and what it will take to get it done. But, you can’t break your project down by yourself.

Meet with your team and go over each aspect of the project to put together a plan of attack. Once you know what you and your team need to do, only then can you begin to work toward your goals.

2. Use Your Team Wisely

A good leader takes the time to understand who they are leading.

Before you start, take a little time to meet with the members of your team one on one to get to know them and discuss the project you will be working on together.

By knowing who the people on your team are and their strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be more prepared to find the right person to fill each role.

3. Create Milestones

It can be hard to keep working when your goals still seem so far from reach.

Some projects can take years to accomplish, and when you’re working with a timeline like that, it can be hard to focus on the immediate task at hand.

It’s up to you to keep your team motivated and working toward your common goal.

Milestones are an excellent way to break your project up into more manageable pieces. On top of that, hitting those milestones can help you track your progress and give your team something to commemorate.

4. Take Charge

Sometimes, leaders have to make difficult decisions that not everyone on your team will appreciate. It’s imperative that you remember that while you should look after the wellbeing of your team, you’re not there to be their friend.

That said, a good leader knows how to listen to their team members. So, if someone in your groups has some constructive criticism, you would do well to take it into account.

5. Have the Right Tools

Finally, the best way to conquer any task is by making sure you have the best tools for the job right off the bat.

Gather all the programs and equipment your team needs to complete their tasks. Then, you may also want to look into getting some task management and communication software.

Check out these popular tools to help you get an even better handle on managing your project and your team.

Project Management Tips to Help You Succeed

Leading a group can seem like a daunting job, especially if you’ve never done it before.

But, if you take the time to build an understanding of your task and remember to listen to your team, you’ll have a much easier time taking the reins.

Are you looking for more project management tips and tricks? We’ve got you covered.

We have dozens of articles on everything from how to be a strong leader to starting a company of your own. Check them out today!

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.