In Personal Injury Cases, Local Knowledge Is A Key Advantage

If you’ve been injured in an accident, you’ll be in need of a skilled lawyer, and a quick search will reveal a near endless list of choices. How, then, can you decide which one is the right choice for personal injury cases? One key criterion to consider is where the lawyer is based and their knowledge of your area.

Choosing a local lawyer offers a number of advantages, compared to working with a lawyer from outside the area. Here’s what they can bring to your case that other lawyers just can’t offer.

Local Legal Insights

Every town and city has its own legal quirks, laws, regulations, and hoops to jump through that vary between jurisdictions. Local lawyers know how to navigate the area’s legal system, which means that your case will move through the system more quickly than if it was being handled by a lawyer from another area. Area lawyers work with the same courts, judges, and clerks day after day and they do things by the letter of the area’s law.

Seeing The Full Scene

Another benefit of working with a local lawyer is that they’re more likely to be familiar with the site of your accident, whether it’s a slip and fall, a car accident, or some other sort of personal injury. For example, car accidents are the cause of many personal injury suits, and whether the accident was caused by drunk or distracted driving, speeding, or general recklessness, local lawyers are better prepared to assess the scene; they know the local conditions, such as what the roads are typically like, and from there they can choose the right experts to testify in your case.

Building Better Relationships

As noted above, local lawyers work with the same courts and judges every day, but those aren’t the only valuable relationships they have that will benefit your case. By working with a local legal team, particularly law firms like Morris, King, and Hodge, P.C., that specialize in specific cities, you ensure that your team will have a preexisting relationship with hospitals and other healthcare professionals, businesses, and insurance companies. This can smooth over the process when trying to gather records and find individuals to testify in your case.

Keep The Focus On You

High profile lawyers who practice all over the country get to experience a wide variety of cases – and they often charge exorbitant fees. More than that, though, their focus tends to be on building their practice rather than on managing your case. With a local lawyer, though, you can be sure that their attention is always on you. Of course, you want a lawyer who is experienced with cases like yours, but unless you’re dealing with especially rare circumstances, you’re sure to find that locally. And since local lawyers rely on their clients to refer other locals to their firm,

They want to be sure you have the best possible experience.

You should always do your homework when choosing a lawyer, but the best option is almost always close to home. Look for someone who has shown a clear commitment to your community and who will prioritize your needs. Searching far afield might get you a big name, but it’s unlikely to get you the best representation.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.