The 4 Qualities of a Great Leader

In business, you can be either a great leader or a good boss. A leader inspires the best out of their employees and strives for greatness, whereas a boss merely manages what needs to be done. There’s nothing wrong with being a good boss, of course, but if you want the best for your business and to ensure that your employees stay motivated, you’ll want to assess the qualities of a great leader and try to adhere to that.

  • Having Honesty and Values

In order to prove yourself as a valuable leader, you will need to show that you do exactly what you say you are going to do, maintain your belief system and never compromise on what is right. Saying you are going to do something and following through with it shows your followers that you are honest and trustworthy, which will breed honesty, too. If your followers see that you have been dishonest or avoided sticking to your core values, they will follow suit.

  • Being an Inspiration

Leaders must inspire and motivate the people around them. Followers need a reason to believe in you, and in themselves. Inspiring others includes persuading others that you are a person worth believing in and following. Inspiration is shown primarily in difficult or negative situations, as followers will look to you to lead them out of a troublesome scenario. By proving that you can do so, and by thinking and acting positively, you will show that you are a good leader.

Having the confidence to lead can be built over time, and it’s a good idea to invest in leadership and management training which will help develop your levels of inspiration for others; the Corporate Coach Group can help with that.

  • Showing and Maintaining Confidence

Leaders must be assertive and assured with their decisions at all times, even if that decision isn’t popular with the whole group. If you show any ounce of uncertainty or hesitation about your actions, your followers will pick up on that, and they will not be able to see you as a leader confidently. If you prove yourself to be an adequate leader and are confident in your plans, your followers will stick by you even if they don’t agree with the decision. What you don’t want is your employees to begin doubting you behind your back and seeking other methods.

There is a careful line, however, between confidence and arrogance. Be firm with your decisions but take the time to listen to your followers and don’t dictate.

  • Being Accountable

A good leader should acknowledge the hard work of others more than they take pride in themselves. Likewise, a good leader should recognize when they have made a mistake, and not pass the blame on to others or blame a team of employees for failure. A leader should acknowledge where any mistakes have been made, and work with a team to make improvements where necessary rather than simply telling an employee to do better next time without showing them how to do so.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.