Friday, February 14, 2025
HomeNationalEnvironmentAir Quality Tips for Homeowners

Air Quality Tips for Homeowners

When you’re purchasing a new home and planning on moving in, one of the things that you may not think about initially is the air quality inside of the structure. This might not be a big deal for some people, but once you get settled, you’re going to want to make the interior space of your household as clean and healthy as possible. And that means making the error as clean and pure as you can.

A few tips to help you achieve this goal include cleaning your chimney if you have one, buying a high-quality air filter, making sure that your windows and doors are sealed properly, and then just learning about allergies. Going through those steps will potentially drastically improve the air quality inside your house.

Clean Your Chimney

If you have a chimney or even ductwork that works its way through your home, you should ensure that they are as clean as possible. If you don’t have the tools to handle this, then call a professional to get your chimney cleaned, especially if it’s before a winter season where you plan on using it for wood or gas fires. Ductwork can also get vacuumed out and cleaned so that your furnace isn’t pushing dirty air around your home.

Buy a High-Quality Air Filter

On a room to room basis, you want to clear any dust, dirt, or pollution out of the air. To do that, buy a high-quality air filter and run it regularly in individual rooms. You would be amazed at the difference it can make even running a good filter for an hour or two in each of your main areas. Dust, dander, dirt, pet smells, cooking smells – they can all go away once the air starts circulating through the running filter.

Seal Your Windows and Doors

You’d be amazed how much dust and dirt get in through your windows and doors. To prevent this, along with avoiding other water damage and energy inefficiency, take a moment each season to seal your windows and doors properly. This is a very inexpensive process, but it is essential to maintain a sense of good air quality indoors.

Learn Your Allergies

How much do you know about allergies? Do you know which ones that you have, or that your family members have? Are they allergic to certain types of pollen? Maybe someone has an allergy to a particular kind of animal hair? The more you research allergies, the better you can pick your tools that will help improve the air quality inside your house. For example, some air filters get rid of certain pollens in the air, whereas others don’t. The more you understand how allergic reactions work, the better you can figure out how to get rid of them.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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