10 Top Natural Remedies To Restore the Shine of Your Hair

One of the characteristics of healthy hair is that it shines. Too much of a shine can mean you have oily hair, and there are natural solutions for that, too. Damaged hair can appear dull and lackluster though due to a variety of contributing factors. If you want youthful hair that is smooth as silk and radiantly shining with vibrant color, then you might want to pay attention to these top 10 natural remedies.

Essential oils are going to be discussed throughout this piece, but first, let’s get to looking at some other types of all-natural remedies for dry and dull hair. You want healthy and shiny hair, and perhaps one of the best solutions is found in the egg. Eggs contain quite a bit of the fatty acids and proteins that your hair needs. Not only do they help make your hair healthy and shiny, but you can count on them strengthening your hair and providing volume as well.

While you can certainly eat eggs as part of your diet to help keep your hair looking good, direct application of the eggs onto your hair is the recommended strategy here. You can use the eggs by themselves, of you can even mix them with other great natural ingredients, like honey and olive oil. Both of those natural food ingredients are known just like eggs for providing your hair with essential nutrients to keep it healthy and shiny.

So far, three top natural remedies for healthy and shiny hair have been mentioned, and they can actually be combined. They are olive oil, honey and eggs. Now let’s get to looking at some of the essential oils you might consider using. This first natural oil is often mentioned as a natural remedy for skin conditions and to keep skin looking healthy in general. So keep that in mind as you get ready to use tea tree oil on your hair, too.

In fact, not only can tea tree oil treat dry and dull hair to help make it healthy and shiny, but it can be used to treat dry scalp. In essence, it’s already crossing over to help your damaged skin when used in this manner. This natural essential oil can be used to improve your hair’s appearance, and it is also said to help prevent hair loss and promote hair growth.

One of the important factors to consider about essential oils is they always do much more than expected. In this case, you’re looking to have healthy, radiant and vibrant hair. You’re certainly getting more than you bargained for when it comes to tea tree oil.

Rosemary is another one of the important essential oils that has similar effects to tea tree oil. For example, you can count on rosemary oil to help your scalp in terms of dandruff issues. And of course, it makes the list for essential oils that helps to treat dull and dry hair. What’s even more is the fact that it covers the opposite ends of the spectrum, helping to treat hair that is too oily. It sounds like with rosemary oil, you can’t go wrong.

Just as there are ways to mix natural food ingredients as was mentioned earlier, there are ways to mix essential oils, too. You want to make the right mixtures, so keep that in mind if you want to double up on the benefits so to speak. You can also simply use the natural oils individually for their intended benefits.

Let’s take a look at coconut oil. You can’t look at a piece about natural treatments for dry and dull hair without seeing coconut oil. This oil is one of the most popular natural solutions for hair care. You know how easy it is to have dry and damaged hair due to chemicals, too much sun, etc. Coconut oil is a moisturizer that is hard to match, not just for your hair but for your skin, too.

If you want to add something to the coconut oil, some experts recommend curry leaves. Two other oils that can be used similarly to olive oil when it comes to your hair is castor oil and almond oil. Sounds like you have a full plate of ideas to try regarding natural solutions for dull and dry hair.

Then there is apple cider vinegar. This is another important natural remedy that makes many lists out there. In fact, it makes lists for much more than just natural solutions for healthy and shiny hair. This specific vinegar is known to help keep the hair shiny, and it can also help remove residue. Did you know that there can be residue in your hair that can cause it to look dull? That’s why it’s so important that you get rid of that residue, and apple cider vinegar is a great solution.

Next, it’s time to take a look at lavender oil. Lavender oil is known for helping to provide volume to hair. On top of its benefits in relation to haircare, lavender is another essential oil that has skincare benefits, too. You will find that most of them double up in one way or another and can be used as natural remedies for different types of ailments, too. There are general benefits as well, such as the simple fact that lavender oil is said to aromatically help people relax and get a good night’s sleep.

When people’s scalps have too much sebum, that causes oily hair. The exact opposite is the case when there isn’t enough sebum. If your scalp doesn’t produce enough sebum, one of the top essential oils to use as a natural remedy is ylang ylang oil. This particular oil is very nourishing for your hair.

There are your top 10 natural remedies to combat against dull and dry hair and get the best shine. Use them to promote healthy, shiny and vibrant hair full of color. Nourish your scalp, too, and add volume to your hair in the process. Don’t count on products that contain a bunch of chemicals. Use essential oils instead so that you can work out all-natural solutions.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.