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HomeNationalEnvironmentAerial Roof Measurements: Make New Technology Work For You

Aerial Roof Measurements: Make New Technology Work For You

Aerial roof measurement is quickly becoming a valuable asset to the industry, and it seems that it’s here to stay. Despite initial concerns over the accuracy of satellite technology, many involved in the roofing process have embraced satellite roof measurement, and have even boosted client bases and raised profit margins for their businesses. Both in the long-term and the short-term, improvements can be made to the roofing process, and hundreds of contractors are turning to modern technology to revolutionize the roofing industry. There are multiple benefits to be achieved from including aerial measurements in your contracting process; in this article, we will provide several of the more immediate steps contractors and others involved in the roofing business can take to take advantage of satellite technology.

Implementing this technology has the potential to change almost all aspects of the contracting business, beginning with alterations and alternate marketing styles to raise awareness and improve client communication. Improvements in the accuracy of measurements over manual measuring methods will increase efficiency form a purchasing and ordering standpoint, as well as improve safety standards across the board for contractors and employees.

Marketing and Client Acquisition

It’s no secret that the current consumer preference leans toward new technologies. IF anything can be said about our current state of affairs, it’s that we live definitively in the Digital Age. Products, services, and experiences enhanced by modern applied sciences have higher ratings than traditional methods, in areas ranging from nutrition to home maintenance. Satellite imagery has been utilized in many different areas, including entertainment, global positioning systems (GPS), and even recent vehicle models.

Utilizing this satellite technology both in practice and in marketing and promotions will appeal to the vast majority of home- and business owners in the current market. Consumers trust in the advancements of technology, and that same trust will improve customer acquisition rates, both in the short-term and when a proven history of adaptation to the newest methods of accuracy have been established by a contracting company.

In addition, roofing measurements can be taken before the initial meeting with a client to discuss materials, rates, and other aspects of roof replacement or repair. Aerial measurements can be acquired beforehand; materials and manpower can be calculated, and a total price established, without the need to physically climb up and measure the specifics.

Accuracy in Roofing Measurements

By learning to utilize satellite technology when acquiring roof reports, contractors will achieve a higher quality, more accurate assessment of the roof in question. Rather than utilizing traditional methods, an aerial report could provide the accuracy and ease of use that has been previously unattainable by physical methods. Satellite roof measurement can help contractors to increase production efficiency, saving time for both the contractor and the client. Rather than obtaining measurements by hand, contractors are freed from much of the manual labor constraints.

Accuracy in measurement has always been one of the most highly contested aspects of roof replacement and repair contracts. Insurance companies often require multiple accounts of measurement, a process with high costs in both labor and price. Inexact measurements cause problems down the road, when too much or too little material is ordered. Costs to return or remove extra material can be high, and inevitably reduce profit margins overall. Over time, this inefficiency can have a drastic impact on many aspects of a contractor’s business, from client retention and relationships to write-offs in labor costs.

Contract Employee Safety Standards

Perhaps one of the most appealing potential benefits of adopting aerial roof measurement technology is the marked increase in safety for employees. Lesser manual labor requirements allow for a smaller workforce, and those laborers that are still needed face lowered rates of potential risk. For example, roof repairs on damaged buildings previously required climbing onto unstable or uncertain structures. A satellite measurement can provide a baseline, aiding contractors in their decisions on safety gear requirements for a particular contract. Overall, labor costs incurred could show a marked decrease with the implementation of aerial roof measurement.

Furthermore, satellite readings could help to raise flags and provide awareness of potential issues, even before a contractor is on-site. Problems that would usually take roofers by surprise can be monitored closely beforehand, and prepared for in advance. This improvement over the current industry standard is one of the most effective in raising the reputation of your business. Fewer surprises onsite ensure more accurate pricing from the beginning, boosting customer satisfaction rates.

Increases in Efficiency in Multiple Areas

In the instances of insurance claims, utilizing an aerial roof measurement can almost certainly speed the process along. Rather than dealing with re-measuring and disputes over materials, most insurance companies will accept satellite readings and continue the claim process without further verification requirements.

Because of the accuracy of aerial roof measurements, there is potential for improved accuracy across the board. When measurements are accurate and precise, contractors will be comfortable ordering only what they need to replace or repair a roof. This confidence and accuracy will reduce instances of over- and under-ordering material. Almost immediately, fees incurred for an excess of material will sink, and continued accuracy will boost profit margin significantly. Payments both to and from contractors will rise in accuracy, making both the contractor’s and building owner’s experiences that much more enjoyable.

There are multiple potential benefits regarding aerial roof measurements and implementation, and we trust that this article provides insight into the value of satellite imagery. Contractors can benefit immensely from proper usage and establishment of aerial roof measurements, from increases in safety standards industry-wide to immediate improvement in efficiency. Improvements in technology, at first considered with caution by roofing specialists worldwide, have quickly come to revolutionize the roofing industry. Increased efficiency can have a major impact on your business and its potential growth, and we urge you to explore the potential that satellite roof measurement can provide in the coming years.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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