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Learn 7 Proven Remedies For Your Dying Grass

If you’re ready to travel the road towards a gorgeous yard, please know that the journey doesn’t have to involve scheduling harsh chemical treatments. If you want your grass to grow green and lush in the coming or next summer, it’s useful to apply homegrown techniques and tips. Keep reading to learn seven of the best solutions for dying grass around your home or business.

1) Boil Water So You Can Kill Off Weeds:

A substantial weed infestation is a sign of poor soil, but to be fair, even a healthy lawn could stand to benefit from a little weed control. Young seedlings can be taken out with simple hand pulling, but if a tap root gets well-established, you’ll need heavy artillery. If you’d like to skip the chemical approach that might kill more than just weeds, try pouring some boiling water onto the weeds. It damages leaves irreparably and immediately, creating a die-off that doesn’t end.

2) Keep Things Thirsty:

Do you know how often you should water your lawn? This one might strike you as counterintuitive. You likely assume a green lawn needs tons of water. In fact, the opposite is the truth. If you water your grass lightly but frequently, you might actually weaken it because you’re promoting shallow roots that get reliant on you. When you water less often, but deeply, say an inch a week, you’ll create a lawn with deeper roots with lush, green grass.

3) Try Using Compost Fertilizer:

Lawns do need more than just a watering routine though. They also need to get fed. Synthetic fertilizers have the power to fuel green growth, but they might also attract pests at the same time, and that’s actually far worse over time. Instead, what you should do is use a natural way to provide essential nutrients using layers of compost. This is an all-natural answer which adds badly needed organic matter to the soil, so your grass is healthier.

4) Try Epsom Salt:

If you want to figure out the health of your soil, you can do so with a simple soil test. A neutral pH level of 7 is what you’re hoping to see. However, if your results come back as acidic, then you’ll have to amend your soil to get the most possible nutrient availability. Epsom salt is a natural cure that might prove useful. Even given its name, it isn’t actually a salt, but instead a magnesium and sulfate compound. It is also a very natural deterrent against pests. If you want a healthier lawn, dilute it in water to use with a garden sprayer or apply through a lawn spreader.

5) Trim Rather Than Cut Your Lawn:

Retrain yourself on how to mow your lawn. Try to resist the constant temptation to crew cut your yard just so you can squeeze a few extra days in between mowing. That’s actually one of the worst things you might ever do for a green, lush lawn. Shorter cuts can leave grass blades at the mercy of the rays of the sun, which can fry them into lifelessness. Also, cutting too much from the top might actually put the plants into shock. It’s best to put your mower blade at a high setting so you never take off more than the top third of the grass.

You might even consider using leaves as potential mulch. If you have leaves where you live in the fall, think about mulching them right back into the yard. You only need to go over them with your lawn mower a few times until you see the pieces are the sizes of coins or smaller. As they decompose, they’ll enhance your soil with useful nutrients. It also makes getting rid of leaves much easier, which is likely welcome news to you.

6) Rid Your Home’s Yard Of Both Moles And Grubs:

It’s an unfortunate truth in lawn care that you might have to deal with grubs. Those are the larvae of certain kinds of beetles. The majority of yards can withstand a tiny population, but if you start noticing brown patches across your yard, you might be facing a grub infestation that’s going damage to your roots at the lawn level. Milky spore is something you can buy in powdered form at a home and garden center to battle grubs in the long run. It instigates ‘milky disease’, which is a bacterial condition that is not hurtful to your general lawn but proves deadly to any grubs in the area. Results won’t happen overnight, but with consistent applications year after year, you’ll minimize your grub population down to something you can manage better.

Other critters can be sources of disaster in your yard if let loose to run rampant. Puffed up hills and mounds in your yard are often obvious symptoms of moles in the area. Moles feed on earthworms and grubs, and while anything eating up grubs should be a good thing, they’ll destroy grass roots along the way unless you spring into action. Trapping moles is the only truly effective way of ridding your yard of moles. Once you do this, discourage them from coming back by getting your grubs under control and dialing back the watering a bit so you don’t draw in so many earthworms.

7) Dethatch Your Lawn:

When lawn clippings and dead grass start getting matted down, they wind up creating thatch at the base of your grass blades. That can prevent badly needed nutrients and water from getting to the roots. It also might promote fungus growth. Take a minute to look at the very base of your grass blades. Is the thatch a half an inch or more? If so, go to your local home improvement shop to rent a dethatching machine so you can spend your afternoon relieving things for your grass.

An accumulation of thatch might inhibit grass growth through suffocation of the root system, cutting off nutrients, water, and air even more. It’s also potential habitat for webworms and other pests. You can reduce thatch across your yard just by going over the lawn with a leaf rake after you mow. Following up with aeration further opens things up.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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