3 Ways You Can Increase Your Home’s Curb Appeal Today

If you’re among the population of people that drives by a house or through a neighborhood and notices how things are in disarray, you know how important curb appeal is to not only selling a house, but contributing to the overall value of a neighborhood, or town’s market.

Your house is your house, and you might not care that the lawn is never mowed, the weeds are out of control, the paint is chipping, and there are random things strewn all over the place, but if you don’t take care of your home’s curb appeal, it’s not only you who will be suffering.

If you ever have a hope of selling your house easy, or you just want your home to look nicer from the street, here are 3 ways you can increase your home’s curb appeal today:

Add A Porch

People absolutely love porches. When a house has one, it draws people in automatically because they’re thinking about all the time they can spend on that porch enjoying life. Porches are the perfect place to spend a summer evening, they’re the perfect place to watch a thunderstorm, they’re the perfect place to hold conversations that stick with you for the entirely of your life.

If you add a porch to the front your house, you just might change your mind about selling in the first place, because once it’s there, people will be taking note and you might not be able to keep your house on the market for long.

Manage the Yard

You could have a house that is beautiful on the inside, but if the outside is in need of help, nobody will make it to the inside to appreciate it. A yard is one of the most important aspects of curb appeal. If the grass is not mowed, the weeds are out of control, the bushes, shrubs and trees have needed to be pruned for months, and the pavement has grass growing in it’s cracks, that’s going to hugely affect how people perceive your house.

You will instantly improve curb appeal if you pay attention to these details. Mow the lawn and put in the time to do a little work and you’ll see improvement in interest level in your home immediately.


Last, but not least, one thing you can’t neglect when trying to boost your home’s curb appeal is the paint on your house. How does it look? Is it worn and chipping? If the color is drab and not exciting or pleasant to look at, put a fresh coat of paint on the bad boy. Paint can transform anything into anything, so use it to your advantage to amp up curb appeal today.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.