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HomeNationalBreaking National News3 Ways To Handle A Change Of Address At The Post Office

3 Ways To Handle A Change Of Address At The Post Office

When moving, that change of address with the USPS is certainly part of your to do list. You want your mail forwarded to your new location, whether temporarily or permanently. You want those bills, important documents, personal mail and everything else arriving at your home. There are three methods for changing your address, and once you know what they are, you can make a decision about which one is best in your situation.

First, it’s also important to understand that you want to take care of this change of address ahead of time. Whichever method you choose, you are able to provide the date you want your mail to start being forwarded. Taking care of the matter ahead of schedule allows the USPS enough time to update your records and start forwarding your mail.

The easiest and most convenient way to forward your mail is by handling the process online. Not only is it convenient, but it is safe as well because you will be on the official USPS website of course. After clicking on the COA form, you’re going to be instructed to choose whether you are submitting a temporary or permanent change of address.

After you make your selection, you’re going to input your name and personal information. If there are other people living in your household and receiving mail, you’re going to want to include their names as well. If any of the people you’re including have a different last name, however, those people must fill out a change of address form separately.

At this point, you’re also going to find out that the USPS charges $1.05 to change your mailing address online. That may be the case, but it can be worth it to avoid the trip to the post office, right? You’re going to find out more about that in a minute. First, let’s look at the 2nd most convenient way to change your mailing address.

Form 3575 is what is used to change your mailing address. If you choose not to fill it out electronically online, you still don’t have to visit the post office to get it in person. You can conveniently pick up the phone and request that one be mailed to you. You can either call the local post office number for your city, or you can call the national 1-800 number for the USPS.

Keep in mind that if you choose to do it this way, you’re also going to have to pay the $1.05 convenience fee. It’s actually how the post office verifies your identity, but they certainly do stand to make a buck for you conveniently filling out your change of address form. You will still have to fill out the physical form, but it will be sent to you in the mail. Therefore, just like with submitting your change of address online, you never have to leave your home.

When you do fill out the form, you can simply drop it off in the mail. Of course, the third method for filling out the change of address form is to do it the old-fashioned way. You would be showing up in person at your local post office to fill out Form 3575. One of the benefits of doing that is you would be handing it right back to the clerk vs sending it off in the mail.

Your change of address form still has to be processed though. That means you will want to take care of it in advance just like you would if you were handling the process online or requesting the form over the phone. One thing about handling the change of address in person is that you don’t have to pay the $1.05 fee. It’s free to fill out form 3575 and hand it right back to the clerk.

Understand that changing your address with the USPS is only the first step. Do you receive social security? You might want to change your address personally with the SSA office and also with the IRS. Your tax return can be how you update your address with the IRS, but what if it’s not tax time? What if you’re expecting correspondence from them?

What you would have to do at that point would be to fill out form 8822 and mail it to the IRS. When you handle it via your tax return, you get to do it electronically, but that’s not the case with the form 8822. The IRS is a little old-fashioned, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do, right?

You will also need to update your address with your bank. You might be able to do that online or via a mobile banking app. The same goes for your credit cards. The change of address with the USPS takes care of most everything, but as you can see, there are some other important factors to consider.

Now you know the three methods that are available to you for changing your address with the post office, too. From where you sit right now, you could easily fill out the change of address form online, as long as you are willing to handle the process electronically and pay the verification or convenience fee. Or you could make the phone call right now and have the form be sent to you.

If you would rather handle this process the more traditional way, then you have a trip to the USPS ahead of you. You will be talking with a clerk, asking for the change of address form and filling it out on the spot. Each of the methods available for changing your address with the USPS are quite easy, but you just have to decide how you want to handle the process.

Many more people are discovering how they can do everything electronically, and so that online change of address form is certainly a popular option. It would save you a trip or a phone call. But maybe you have business to attend to at the post office anyway.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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