The GIST Industry is In Need of More Graduates

The geospatial technology industry has been named as a high growth industry by the US Department of Labor. There is now an even greater need than ever before for online GIST degree graduates. The market itself is growing at a rate of 35% per year, and the commercial market is growing even quicker at 100% per year. With all of this growth comes a huge need for more students to take an online geographic information science and technology degree.

The careers available to GIST graduates are varied. You could choose to work in the non profit sector, work for the government or law enforcement, work in health and human services, or work in engineering and surveying. The infographic below describes the different career options in more detail.

Common Career Paths for the Student of Geographic Information Science and Technology is an infographic created by the University of Southern California.

The GIST Industry is In Need of More Graduates 1

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.