Friday, February 14, 2025

Jay Eitner

Jay Eitner is an educational leader, with extensive experience in developing coursework and directing programs, curriculum, and lesson plans to comply with the mission and values of an institution. He has more than 10 years of experience in developing curricula, selecting course materials and technologies to promote the growth and success of students.

Jay holds a Bachelor’s degree, CLEG from the American University, a Masters in Education from Kean University and a Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership and Administration from the American College of Education. He is a passionate education advocate, successful in driving compliance with regulatory standards; directing instructional programs to meet student needs; and building trusting relationships with parents, staff, and community members to create a collaborate academic environment.

One of Jay’s areas of interest has been on the need for an increased uptake of science in our educational system. part of Mr. Eitner’s job as Superintendent of two School Districts in South New Jersey was to align the curriculum with the demands of the current job market. Today, companies are ready and willing to hire and expand their workforce but the problem is that graduates simply don’t have the education and training needed to perform the work.

Largely to blame for this unfortunate situation is a prevalent skills gap, especially in science-related skills. The job market has a higher demand for people skilled in science, technology, engineering and math yet the education system is producing less than the demand. Bringing the gap requires an increased investment in science-based education programs that engage and prepare students for the current job market. Moreover, the global competition is outpacing the U.S. in this regard. For instance, The American 15-year-old ranks 20th in science out of the 34-member countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

And this worrying trend extends well into high school as well as college. Investing in science-based programs secures a competitive edge for the global economy. Proficiency in science, engineering and math and technology equips students with critical skills applicable in most if not all kinds of professions- valuable analytical skills that come in handy whether you’re running a law firm or grocery store.

When it comes to inspiring young boys and girls to pursue science-based subjects, it’s important to start as early as possible in the education process. Starting early helps kids understand the connection between science and the miracles of the modern world. Curricula that is based on inquiry and engaging activities such as science fairs give young kids an opportunity to see how science can solve real-world problems and to take ownership of their learning.

To realize the benefits of a good education system, New Jersey must invest more in highly trained teachers who can inspire their students. In terms of overall performance. However, the Golden state remains one of the nation’s top. According to the annual Quality Counts ranking of 2018, New Jersey ranks second, scoring above the national average to earn 85.9 out of 100, falling closely behind Massachusetts’ average of 86.8.

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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