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HomeNationalBreaking National NewsAre You A Single Issue Voter Or A Party Voter?

Are You A Single Issue Voter Or A Party Voter?

The election cycle of 2016 is well underway. Congressional candidates, such as Mike Crapo are representing their parties in the present contest. And, of course, there are the major Presidential candidates to consider voting for. When it comes to voting, are your choices dictated by a single overriding issue or preference? Or are you more of an all-around party voter? Crapo and other candidates may hold views that you agree or disagree with but, if you are a single issue voter, the party they belong to may not matter to you as much as their personal opinion on the issue you hold dear.

Is There A Single Issue That Dictates Your Voting Choice?

If it all really does come down to a single overriding issue for you, it’s a good idea to examine just what that issue is. Is it one that directly affects your livelihood or personal sense of well-being? Is it one that would somehow affect the future of your loved ones, friends, and descendants? If so, is it one that you would feel strongly enough about to base your choices on? All of these are questions that are well worth considering when it comes time to make your final choice, as the time for doing so is beginning to run out.

Are You More of an Ideological or Party Voter?

Not every voter comes to his or her final choice based on a single issue, or even a host of issues. In some cases, a voter will choose their candidates based on the party they belong to. This indicates an allegiance to a particular world view or set of values that they feel is best represented by their party. In some instances, a voter will even show their disapproval of the course their party has taken by expressly switching sides and voting for the candidates of the other party. While not as common as the media would like us to think, these “conscience voters” do exist and can wield some considerable power.

Is There A Way To Compromise Between Issues And Ideology?

Perhaps what many voters are looking for is a method that would allow them to compromise between their dearly held personal issues and their ideological beliefs (should they possess any). For example, a Republican who is against the Trans-Pacific Pipeline may choose to vote for a few select Democratic candidates who represent strong opposition to this measure. Again, a Democrat who feels that Hillary Clinton is the wrong choice for the country may choose to vote for Trump, along with a few other Republicans who are sure to act as strong counterweights against her, should she succeed in the election.

An Election Year Is an Excellent Time to Examine Your Deep Beliefs

It may also be the case for many voters that their strong personal issues and their deeply rooted views on domestic and foreign policy may be more closely allied than they think. Perhaps this election cycle will be an excellent time for voters to take stock of their own beliefs and world views, with a mind toward reconciling any deeply hidden inconsistencies that may exist. By doing so, you might just make up your mind in a way that could surprise and enlighten you.

Boris Dzhingarov
Boris Dzhingarov

Boris Dzhingarov is a business news writer who covers a wide range of issues.

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