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Teach Your Children History Through Vacations

All parents can teach their children history through vacations while teachers help them learn math and the basics of English grammar in their school education. It is vital that parents take a lot of their children’s education into their own hands, even though they might attend school full-time. After all, there is a lot that schools try to teach the children that they have, during the limited amount of time that they have them. Let them go ahead and learn math and the basics of English grammar at school. What you might want to focus on is giving your kids a more thorough education in history.

Why? Sure, they have history, social studies, and civics classes at school. The thing is though, you have no idea how much is really being covered. You also don’t have any say in which parts of history are taught and you cannot stop the teachers from possibly omitting certain events because of time or personal opinion. There is a lot to be learned from the history of our ancestors. They say, “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it.”

History Through Vacations

If you want to make sure that your children will never grow up to become some of the adults that make major mistakes because history lessons weren’t learned, you need to act. The best way to do this might be to center your family vacations around history.

Visit Historical Sites Of War

Visiting historic battlegrounds, such as those found in Gettysburg, can be fun and educational. Throughout the town, you will find a lot of information on plaques and statues. You can also sign up to take a guided tour around some of the most noteworthy locations. Make sure that you are teaching your children about some of the famous generals that served during the war, such as Ulysses S. Grant. Grant was the commanding general of the U. S. Army of the Potomac at the end of the American Civil War. To enrich your fun educational vacation to Gettysburg, you could always purchase a few historical documents for sale to make an even greater impact. You and your children can carefully examine them and you can help guide them through researching some facts about their newfound treasure, such as who drafted the letter, signed the document, or why the document became a powerful piece of history. There is usually a bigger story behind even the smallest of historical documents.

Check Out The Monuments In D.C.

Take a trip to Washington, D.C. to see some of the monuments of the powerful men that helped mold our country and government. There is always the option of taking a guided tour, which is nice as you might learn some information you might not have been able to find on your own. Otherwise, you can feel free to venture off to explore the monuments on your own. While you are in the nation’s capital, you will want to consider checking out the Smithsonian for all the historical documents and artifacts that can be found there.

Take A Train Ride

Instead of flying to your vacation destination, you might want to consider taking a train there instead. Of course, you may have to extend your vacation a little longer, as traveling by train will take a little more time than flying.

However, you can use this time to show your children the magnificent countryside that they might not have been able to see otherwise. Also, you can watch documentaries, read books, or tell stories about infamous train robberies by people such as Jesse James. You can also teach your children about the beginnings of the railroad and how it impacted the nation as we know it.

Go Hunting For Fossils

There are many places across the country where you can look for fossils. Depending on where you are going, you might be able to check out some museums too. For example, in Ghost Ranch, New Mexico, you can look for dinosaur fossils after checking out the Museum of Paleontology. Of course, you won’t want to forget to teach your kids about the men and women who have made history in the world of science because of the fossils they discovered.

As you can see, there are a lot of great things that you can do on vacation with your family, while still incorporating a solid history lesson as well.

History Through Vacations. whitby abbey history. Image by Tim Hill from Pixabay
whitby abbey history. Image by Tim Hill from Pixabay

Melissa Thompson
Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.

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