4 Ways Buttons Boost Political Campaigns

In 1789, George Washington supporters wore buttons that read, “G.W. Long live the President.” This probably wasn’t the first example of a political button, but it’s still making an impact 225 years later.

Kickstart a Political Campaign

Political buttons are already on sale for the 2020 presidential campaigns. Campaign events, such as rallies, present a great opportunity to hand out buttons. Political speeches and debates are accompanied by high excitement and are natural venues to pass around buttons containing the candidate’s name and slogan. Better yet, they can be sold as part of the fundraising efforts for the election at hand. Encourage followers to wear their buttons to events and around town to raise awareness for the preferred candidates.

Voter Education

Educating supporters is a constant challenge. The sheer availability of information can quickly overwhelm the average voter. Distilling positions down to button-size slogans is a great way to spread the word. For example, sayings such as “Say No to Amendment 4” or “Say Yes to Better Schools” might be used to remind voters what to look for on the ballot to support the party line. The ability to manage grassroots movements greatly enhances the candidate’s clout within the respective political party.


Fundraising events are the lifeblood of any campaign. Some supporters simply want to a button as a souvenir. Contributors expect to receive buttons and other swag in the “I support John Smith” category, so it’s important for the campaign team to be ready with these items.

Staunch supporters representing local groups may want to purchase dozens or hundreds of button to support the candidate and win over additional voters in their neighborhood or city. If you don’t have enough to go around, it can be a serious setback to the campaign.

Tie-in to Major Supporters

Large groups that support your candidate may want to create their own campaign buttons that incorporate their company’s branding with the candidate’s slogan and photo. For example, a steelworkers union might agree to represent a democratic candidate who supports labor interest. A button with the union’s logo and candidate’s photo confirms the association. This encourages others to support the candidate and shows appreciation to those that already do.

Buttons help people feel like they are a part of something bigger, which is absolutely true in the case of political campaigns. Well-though-out slogans and other messages on buttons can help raise awareness and get a candidate elected.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of HarcourtHealth.com and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.