How to Downsize from a Large Home to a Studio Apartment

When you’re in the process of moving to a smaller home, it can get overwhelming when packing your things. To make things easier, it is best to part ways with items you no longer use or need. Downsizing from a large home to a studio apartment may seem impossible, but with some time and organization, everything will have its place.


With a small apartment comes a small kitchen. A small kitchen can quickly become cluttered and overburdened. Over the years, people tend to collect multiple dish sets, cramming cupboards with plates and bowls. By parting ways with dishes not routinely used, you’ll save space in your new cupboards and lighten your moving load. If you have a countertop full of small appliances that haven’t been used in months, consider selling or donating them. If you have the availability, you can also just purchase a more compact model of the appliance you want to keep.


The bathroom is another room that accumulates clutter. You may have multiple half full bottles of shampoo and conditioner laying around. Use what you can before the move and get rid of the rest. If you wear makeup, you may store it in the bathroom. Go through it and set aside the items you have never used, items that are expired, or items that haven’t been used in a few months. As small as these items may be, they take up valuable room when downsizing to a one-bedroom apartment. The same goes for medications. If they aren’t needed, they aren’t used, and this can lead to expired medications in medicine cabinets.


Look in the closet. Chances are, there are quite a few articles of clothing that haven’t been worn in months. If they are in season but unworn for an extended period, it may be time to let go. Bag up the clothing you no longer fit or wear and drop it off at a local donation center. Clothing that is out of season (such as sweaters and heavy coats during spring and summer) can be stored in a vacuum bag for easier transport and storage.

Go Digital

Not only will going digital save time and space, but it’s better for the environment too. Most publications are available to current subscribers in digital format. Switching your subscriptions will prevent stacks of magazines from gathering around your new apartment.

Evaluate Furniture

It is unlikely there will be room for a coffee table in a studio apartment. They often collect clutter anyway instead of serving a real purpose. Large dressers and armoires will also be out of place. Downsize your furniture to smaller versions if you are able, such as replacing your dresser with a chest of drawers and sell or donate what you can’t take with you. Living without a dining room table and chairs may be inconvenient for meals, but they are not necessary. You can also replace your couch with a loveseat if your new apartment has the room.

Trinkets and Knick Knacks

While trinkets are nice to look at, people tend to collect more than they have room for. Shelves become overloaded with them and leave room for little else. Choose the trinkets you are attached to and set them aside. Go through the rest and divide them into a keep and sell or donate piles. You may be surprised just how many you’re willing to part with to save space.

Moving is stressful. Downsizing from a large home to a studio apartment can add to that stress. By purging the items from your home, you can make the move easier for everybody involved. Keep the items you use on a regular basis and evaluate the usefulness of everything else. Donate clothes you no longer wear or fit and take your magazine and newspaper subscriptions digital. You can opt for smaller furniture if possible and sell or donate your larger pieces. By being honest with yourself about what you truly need, downsizing can be simple to achieve.

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Melissa Thompson

Melissa is a mother of 2, lives in Utah, and writes for a multitude of sites. She is currently the EIC of and writes about health, wellness, and business topics.