Biden and Wife Violate Mask Mandate at D.C. Restaurant

U.S. President Joe Biden was seen walking maskless inside a D.C. restaurant in violation of the city’s mask mandate for all indoor diners at restaurants. The incident has strengthened the widespread feeling that the elite on the left do not believe in following the rules that they impose on the public.

The Washington Examiner reported today on a video of Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, both walking maskless inside a seafood restaurant in Washington D.C. The story wrote:

The Bidens are seen walking through ritzy D.C. Italian seafood restaurant Fiola Mare Saturday evening, followed by Secret Service wearing black suits and black facemasks.

The video included in the story was tweeted by the RNC Research, the Twitter account managed by the Republican National Committee (RNC), on the evening of October 16. It shows Jill Bien walking without wearing a mask inside the restaurant, followed by Joe Biden, also maskless and holding a mask in his hand while followed by his security team who had their masks on.

biden mask mandate
Screenshot @ BitChute

Leftist Media Blackout on Biden’s Violation of Mask Mandate

The left-aligned mainstream media networks went deaf and blind on Biden’s violation of DC’s mask mandate at the D.C. restaurant. Despite the RNC Research video posted to Twitter and multiple conservative news sources reporting the story, the leftist media networks have assumed a collective silence over the incident.

A number of conservative sources, on the contrary, have featured the video and commented that it comes as another example of the left’s double standards. The Gateway Pundit included another Twitter video showing Biden exiting the restaurant holding his mask in his hand while his security team around him is all properly masked.

British paper Daily Mail today reported the story on Biden’s violation of D.C.’s mask mandate. The paper wrote:

The president was carrying his face mask but not wearing it, despite vocally-pushing for people to wear them as often as possible.

Biden has previously been seen going maskless, both indoors and outdoors, in violation of CDC’s guidelines that he pushes on the public.

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Ernest Dempsey

Ernest Dempsey is a writer, editor, blogger, and journalist based in Orlando, FL. He runs a popular blog Word Matters! and edits the journal and its blog Recovering the Self. Dempsey is a skeptic, vegetarian, and advocate for animal and human rights.